𝘀𝗲𝘃𝗲𝗻. 𝗵𝗼𝘁 𝗰𝗵𝗶𝗰𝗸𝘀

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chapter seven: HOT CHICKS

I am unsure of what is happening to me

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I am unsure of what is happening to me. his gaze on me is more frightening than it should be, my heart beats fast and my hands shake slightly. I am becoming undone by whatever Joseph Descamps has on me. I do not like it, we're enemies, I'm not supposed to feel like this at all! but some perverted part of me wishes that his brown eye never leaves me

"are you gonna be class leader?" Annick Sabiani's soothing voice cradled Valerie's ears. the brunette sighed and closed her bound-leather book, brown eyes meeting her green ones with a neutral expression. Valerie shook her head, "I'm not interested in the responsibility." many things could go wrong with her as a class representative, Valerie Belcourt was a very angry girl.

"then who do you think it should be?" Annick questioned as she looked over the students in the courtyard, Valerie followed suit; brown eyes stopping on Joseph Descamps with his degenerate friends. "definitely not Joseph Descamps." the girl muttered as she opened her book again.

Annick scowled at the mention of the name. why bring him up anyways? "well what about Pichon?" Valerie nodded in agreement, "Pichon is good. yeah, I mean. Joseph hates him enough to be pissed off I guess." the brunette rambled.

"uhm...okay, I'll go ask him then. see you." the sound of Annick's footsteps made Valerie look up at the courtyard. her eyes met Joseph's, his jaw clenched and Valerie felt her stomach freeze over in the slight excitement as the day before flashed in her mind. she smirked, knowing that day he was in the palm of her hands.

eternity had passed, and Valerie was unaware if this was a staring competition or not but she'd refuse to lose this game. Dupin's hands waved in front of Joseph's face, blocking their eye contact and the bandaged boy gave up as he listened to his friend.

˚ · • . °

time had passed, few students had given up in being class leader. Felbec was relentless in his studies as he prayed and searched for answers leading him to the honorable title of class leader.
but for now, their break was over and the schedule for the day included P.E.

Valerie was never one too keen on running pointless laps around a gymnasium, but she knew the important of being healthy and fit. as her mother said, "you can never be pretty enough." of course the woman did not mean it in a way as to be healthy—beauty was pain, and so their methods often took unhealthy ways.
it was one of the reasons her mother's nose had become more powdery than ever, her bones showed through her ribcage and her cheeks were hollow.

Valerie did not share the same ideals, she found beauty in other things. like the crook of someone's nose or a loopsided smile, a snort in laughter and the wrinkles in the eyes of an old person who was unafraid to laugh. she loved different things, like two lovers-not-lovers oblivious as to what they think of eachother. she loved imperfections and perfections as she combined them with the world.

she looked at herself in the teacher's bathroom (now a makeshift one for the female students) the dark blue shirt and matching shorts hugged her curves as she made her way to the gymnasium.

"where is Belcourt?" the teacher asked the girls, Annick, Simone and Michele all shook their heads in an i don't know manner.
soon after came the long haired brunette, her hair tied in a high ponytail and her bangs slightly bounced with each step. the boys in the white tanktops whistled as they stared at the unintentional swaying hips of Valerie. she kept her face neutral, a barrier of those who catcalled her.

the four girls stood to the side, not aware of what they were supposed to do. they knew they weren't allowed to join the boys in their warmup, so instead they awaited for the instructions of a neglectant teacher.
"stand to the side, will you?" the man said politely to one of the boys who had entered the gymnasium, the boy who did not belong in this class as he wore common clothing— Joseph Descamps sat by the bleachers like he was bothered to be there.

seeing this, the three girls glanced at Valerie; her jaw clenched as she shot daggers through Joseph's head.

the boy turned, feeling a hot, burning sensation to the side of his head. he smirked, eye's shining as if he had found something better to do other than watching Dupin's attempt to catch the ball.

Annick raised her hand, alerting the too-carried-away professor that they were still there. "oh right, the girls." Valerie rolled her eyes with a huff. she was tired of being ignored, tired of being neglected of an education and the participation in classes. from the other side of the gym, Joseph brought his hands to his chin in intrigue with a smirk donning his lips.

"you have to be kidding." Valerie said in her own language with a scowl. so the boys get to play while we have this? in shorts? thought the brunette as she eyed the rope she'd soon have to climb with a apprehensive face. Annick was the first to go, she excelled at the task. "she's even good at gym..." Simone remarked in half-praise and half-jealousy, "she's Marilyn Monroe's secret daughter! I swear. she's not like us. did you see her skin? it's perfect!" the girl rambled with widened eyes, Michele chuckled and Valerie gave a short breathy laughter.

"oh, Michele, your brother's looking for you!" Simone pointed at Jean Pierre, who waved the blonde over. Valerie noted the pinkish tint of Simone's cheeks at the sight of the light colored eye boy. "hold it for her will you?" Simone asked quickly, not letting Valerie respond as she brought the girl's hands to the prickly rope.

after Simone it was Valerie, who grunted as she pulled herself up. there were burns in the insides of her thighs from the friction of the rope, she chose to ignore the pain until she came down. A Belcourt does not give up, was the only saying running through her mind as it kept her arms ready for another pull.

Joseph watched her struggle with an amused smirk, his eyes never leaving her body as it pushed itself further.

legs trembling as she slid down the rope, there was a bead of sweat running down Valerie's forehead. few strands of hair were stuck to her forehead and neck as she pulled out a controlled face in the amidst of a crowd. not only Joseph had been watching her, but the majority of students who had been eliminated from their game chose to gawk at the Belcourt's body.

"come on, Benedette!" a thud on the head from one of the players reverberated through the place, ball bouncing down the floor as the boy who had been now eliminated stood frozen with his gaze never leaving Valerie.

the loud sound of the professor's whistle brought the boys to their attention again. Joseph Descamps scowled, hating the attention she had received for doing something so foolish as climbing a rope.

another break brought some students into the courtyard as they awaited for their bell to ring. to the side, Pichon and Descamps had just struck a benefiting deal for the latter. one that had simply destroyed Valerie's plans and that could provoke immense irate on the girl's part.

to the other side was Annick and Valerie the famous 'hot chicks' duo, they were the school's favorite subject to talk and fantasize about. both incredibly hot without the need to try, Annick had stolen Valerie's book and began to read it on her own while the brunette had a lit cigarette in her fingers as she occasionally took a drag or two (it was not easy stealing a pack from a man with an addiction and nothing to do.) she pretended to read the book in Annick's hand, but truthfully her eyes often found themselves glued to Joseph and his conversation with the smaller boy in front of him.

to the other side sat Simone and Michele, Simone feeded her own delusions about Sabiani. Michele only half-listened as her mind ran in circles over the euphoria she had felt with the gym's rope and friction as she discovered this part of herself she had never thought about.

  𝙅𝘼𝙒𝘽𝙍𝙀𝘼𝙆𝙀𝙍.     -'๑'- Joseph DescampsWhere stories live. Discover now