Chapter 2

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Dawn's light yawnedacross the land of Allmau, a call to arms for the diligent creatures who calledit home. One such individual landed on a damp dirt trail in the early morning.He was Kydd. His vision drowsy and dim, he scanned the world around and got hisbearings. He stood in the middle of a well-worn road carved by two huge wheelsthat supported the mass of Apia's body. He spared a moment to look up at theunderbelly of one of Allmau's last pyronauts. There wasn't much to see frombelow but the broad, dark dim lit platform he had jumped from.

 Flexing his toes he grasped the damp, compact earth and embraced the cold of morning. Another orfolk fell from above. He rolled across the dirt and leapt onto his feel in front of Kydd.

"You're full of energy," Kydd commented.

"Still waking up?" asked his friend.

The pair were typical young orfolk. A little lanky, still growing into their adult form. Where they differed was in their patterning. Kydd was white with black and brown patches and a lick of hair above his brow. His friend was a tabby mix with a flush of hair at the end of his tail in line with the majority of orfolk in Apia. The ground trembled as four huge claws dragged the pyronaut along. No time to waste, they needed to get to work.

With a flex, his friend spoke, "Come on, let's get moving." He fell onto all fours and ran for the undergrowth surrounding the road.

Kydd limbered up. He took an extra moment to fasten a cord around his waist. The cord tied in place his lucky charm, a momentum from his lesser-known latter life. Seen by most as a pet rock, 'Rune' held much more power over him than he cared to admit. Bend your index finger to meet the tip of your thumb and this peculiar pith would fit comfortably into the space. A small grey grain ornately carved with wrinkles that folded over one another.

He secured Rune, then started after his friend, "Dyll, wait up!"

The pair were not alone combing the undergrowth of Allmau. The rest of the scavenger team had been sent out ahead in search of any hidden treasures that emerged after the night's rain. They called and whistled to one another over the span of Apia's aether.

Kydd dived in after Dyll. Twisted, brittle brambles with tiny, serrated thorns, waxy thistles of mute colours and offensive scents and herbs that made the eyes cry all waited in the garden of Allmau. Populated with paralyzing parasites, sly spiders, and a host of other insidious invertebrates, this wasn't a job anyone volunteered for. Yet, Kydd dived in confidently.

"Do you smell that?" called Dyll from...somewhere, "I think there's some bulbs about."

Kydd paused for a moment. The dense undergrowth made it difficult to see anyone at all.

He frowned, "Where are you?"

"Seriously? You can't get lost that fast." Sighed Dyll.

"Uh..." Kydd looked about, determine not to be shown up, "No, I've got this."

In the mixed shadows of the undergrowth came some guidance in the form of an Allmau Ember. Bee-like arthropods of bright orange and red, they carried their own lanterns in the form of a glowing rear. The ember was silent as it crawled toward him. As subtle as the sun in a clear sky, Kydd saw it instantly.

"Hello boy," he held out his hand, and the creature came close.

It felt his paw with its antennae, then crawled onto his upper arm. These fantastic little creatures were the symbol of Apia and shared it with the orfolk, their bright colours brought a sense of warmth and comfort. Kydd held it up, its crystalline wings flickered, and it hovered before him.

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