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"How dare you?"

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"How dare you?"

"How dare you leave without visiting me?"

"You're ungrateful."

"After everything I did for you."

"How could you?"

"You are really poisonous, Ivy."

"And you're in Seattle, for what?"

Of course she already knows where I am. Madam Beaufort is like a living, breathing compass.

Interrogations and the occasional finger pointing. I'm being interrogated by the woman I once called mom. Once. Not figuratively, but literally. After which she proceeded to forbid it.

It's been questions and questions ever since I answered her facetime. I shouldn't have. The condescending look she's giving me is like a stab to the chest. But I hide it all, that's one thing she thought me best, the control of unnecessary emotions.

"I have a job to do here." I finally say after a series of questions and thoughts.

"I hate your job." She says all too soon. "You travel a lot and you're sandwiched with all those huge athletes, and I hate it, hate it, hate it." She yells the last phrase.

"Exactly why I got the job, wanted to give you something to hate on-"

"Ivy!" okay, she's yelling now, she doesn't yell.

"I'm sorry, did I poison you?"

"Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, what happened to them?"

"Don't act like you care about having dinners with me, pretense doesn't suit you."

"Goodbye Ivy." And she hangs up.

I don't know why, but I'm half expecting her to fly all the way here and make a fuss. But she doesn't make a fuss, this is the first time in a long while she's yelled at me.

It's been a week since I went over to Terence. And that's a strategy. I'm betting on the fact that he expected to see me again all too soon so I made sure to take a whole week off. In the meantime, I finally got a car and while it's not my usual style, it's manageable for the task at hand.

Today's task: Get him out of the basement.

It's not going to be easy, getting a grown man out of his own basement. And let's not forget that he can't walk properly and he smells like shit. Okay, I'm hoping he took my advice and Coach Mike got him all the supplies I recommended.

When was the last time he saw the sun? When was the last time he had some fresh air? When was the last time he let water touch his skin? His beautiful skin. Brown has never looked so beautiful, literally.

The closer I get to his house, the more the pit in my stomach widens. Where did the pit come from? I sure as hell don't know, but it's there, transforming into a never ending hole of what ifs.

A Fire Like This (Mature Jocks Series #5)Where stories live. Discover now