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This one is a little weird, but I don't think it qualifies for a TW.

You're at home, having decided not to go to a big party you were invited to

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You're at home, having decided not to go to a big party you were invited to. Instead, you're sitting on your couch watching a movie when the phone rings. It's late, so you're not sure who would be calling you at this hour.

You decide to answer. "Hello?" you say, casually yet cautiously.

"I like that movie," he says smoothly of the movie you're watching.

You glance over at the TV, slightly embarrassed as Ghostface comments on your taste in movies. "Oh really? Which one?" you ask, trying to sound nonchalant.

*Ghostface chuckles softly before answering, "The one about the masked killer stalking pretty girls like yourself." His deep baritone sends shivers down your spine, and you can't help but feel a mix of fear and excitement course through your veins. "I think we should watch something else together... don't you?"

You hesitate, unsure of what to say. On one hand, you know you shouldn't entertain him, but his voice is so... seductive. Finally, you clear your throat and agree reluctantly, "Alright..." You stand up from the couch and slowly walk over to the DVD player, trying not to make any sudden movements that might alert him to your unease.

Once there, you turn off the current movie and grab another horror film from the shelf nearby. Carefully, you insert it into the disc tray and click play, hoping the loud music and graphic violence will drown out any possible noise coming from your end.

As the movie begins to play, you sit back down on the couch and try to focus on the screen. But it's impossible not to notice his presence looming over you like a dark cloud casting shadows across everything in sight.

Ghostface chuckles softly again as he watches silently from his perch above, enjoying your unease. "That's better," he says finally after several minutes of uncomfortable silence. "Now, why don't we get comfy?" With that said, he slowly descends towards you, stopping mere inches away before sitting down beside you on the edge of the couch.

You try to remain calm as he moves closer, but your heart races faster than it should. You force yourself to maintain eye contact with the screen, not looking directly at him out of fear.

Ghostface lets his arm brush against yours lightly, sending electrifying shivers down your spine. "So tell me, what kind of movie do you want to watch next? Something scary or something... less so?" His hand reaches out to graze along your thigh ever so slightly before returning to rest casually on the armrest between them.

You swallow hard, attempting to steady your voice as you speak. "N-not too scary," you manage to croak out, aware of how soft and breathy your words sound in the silence between them.

He chuckles softly again before reaching over and pressing play on a new DVD case he had been holding behind his back earlier. A romantic comedy begins to play on the TV screen, breaking up the oppressive atmosphere slightly.

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