Chapter 4: Family

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"I see both of you have returned in one piece." Deadshot chuckled seeing the both of them enter the home. Aiden handed him the money, which seemed to please him a bit. "Good work, I guess i'll have to find something else for the dogs to eat tonight." Deadshot laughed as he walked away from the both of them, leaving Silas shocked. "Dogs were going to eat us..?" He spoke quietly to Aiden. "If you alerted cops, yes." The both of them walked over to Silas's new room, and let out a sigh of relief. Silas sat down on his new bed as Aiden leaned against the wall. "So.. What now?" Silas questioned, From this point on he had no clue what was in store for him. The uncertainty gave him chills. "You'll be taking over my job, running and dealing drugs. We mainly work with Heroin, Coke, and Meth, but there will be other times where you work with other shit. Just keep your cool, and you'll do fine." He moved off the wall to sit down on the couch along side Silas. "And so, what happens with you?" Silas scooted over allowing Aiden to have more room on the bed. "Now, I work with the others, robbing places." Aiden removed his gun from his pants and clicked the safety back on, motioning for Silas to do the same, which he understood and copied. "We're having a party here tonight, i'm not gonna stop you for doing stupid shit, but don't start any fights, or i will personally kick your ass after." Aiden laughed lightly. "I promise i won't start any fights."

A few hours later the party had began, people from the city, as well as some hookers began to show up. People noticed the new face around, but didn't bother to ask, assuming it was just someone's little brother. Music was blasting all throughout the house, Drinks were poured, Drugs were handed out, and the atmosphere was filled with joy. However, there wasn't any signs of Deadshot being around, maybe parties weren't his thing. Aiden was currently sat on the couch, spread out with two girls against him. Silas was sat in the kitchen on a bar stool, with a joint resting in between his knuckles. The smoke hung in the air everytime he took a drag, making the kitchen look like a hot box. He was mostly alone in here, with only the occasional person entering to grab a new drink. He wasn't much of a party person, but he did enjoy the uplifting atmosphere. He took a long drag, holding the smoke in for a bit, then finally releasing it. Weed always calmed his nerves, he had been using it since he was a kid. He had found his parents stash one day and decided to give it a try, he had seen them use it countless times, so it was easy for him to figure it out. He allowed his eyes to wander around the grungey looking kitchen, the older appliances resembled a house that had not been updated since the early 2000s. Most of the house looked stuck in the past. He finished off his joint with one last hit and put it out in an ashtray next to him. He rubbed his dry eyes as he stood up from the stool.
Walking into the living room he noticed a few people snorting a white powder off the coffee table. He sat down on the couch next to Aiden, who had just finished a line of his own. The women he had been sitting with had left by now, walking off with some other guy to a bedroom.
"Wanna try some?" He looked up from the table, thinking it would be Aiden talking to him, but in fact it was another guy, who he had seen a few times lingering in the living room. "Ehh.... Im okay for now." He let out an awkward laugh as he tried to kindly deny the man. "Whatever, Aiden you want another?" The man asked as he tossed a dollar bill, which had been rolled up at Aiden. "Nah, I'm good for now." Aiden tossed the bill back at the man. "Damn, Y'all are a bunch of pussies." The man laughed and snorted another line. Silas hated being called a pussy, if he was going to be in this gang. He needed to be tough. He didn't want to be a vulnerable person who people had to look after. "Fine." He held out his hand for the man to pass him the dollar. "Silas, You don't have to do this y'know?" Aiden seemed to get slightly uncomfortable with Silas being so quick to change his mind. He knew what kind of shit these people here were into, and didn't want to see his friend ruin his body. "It's fine" He took the dollar and re rolled it back up, he hesitated looking down at the line which had been freshly cut for him. He leaned over and placed his nose against the bill, then against the powder before taking a sharp inhale. The powder hit him like a truck, causing him to open his eyes wider. "Holy shit-" He rubbed his nose feeling some still stuck in there. "You okay?" Aiden looked over at him. "Yeah yeah, I'm good- Fuck that was.. Good." He laughed handing the bill back to the man. "I'm Tyler by the way." The man held out his hand for Silas. He dabbed him up and smiled. "I'm Silas, as you probably heard but, yeah." He laughed, the weed was making him much more talkative as well as giggly, mixed with the insane amount of energy that had just hit him from the coke. This new environment for him, which, reminded him of his home-life, was weirdly comforting. It shouldn't be, but him being able to make his own decisions made him feel powerful. He wanted more of this, all of this, this lifestyle which allowed him to be so free. He wasn't being screamed at for doing what he wanted, the anxiety of being in this new place quickly developed into excitement for the future. "I'll do another"

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