Chapter 8: Good Morning Chicago State

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Being searched felt so invasive, He had to strip naked and cough for an officer. He just wanted to die. He didn't want to be in prison, this wasn't his choice, if he could he would go back, never run away, just put up with everything- But that's not an option anymore.
He was taken to a room for his mugshots. He took His front facing as well as his sides, then they took his fingerprints. After that? He was sent into the den of prison.
He was assigned a cell, which unfortunately he would be sharing. He entered the small room and looked up. Laying on the top bunk was a tall man, he had long black hair, and he was ripped. The man noticed Silas walk in and placed his book to the side. "You new?" He nodded his head and looked around the cell. "You look young, how did you end up in here?" the man laughed, which only made Silas uncomfortable. "Self defence gone wrong i guess.." he spoke softly. "Ah, I see, you should be careful around here, a lot of people aren't very friendly."
"Yeah.. I assumed.." he fidgeted with his hands, cracking his knuckles. "Don't worry kid, you'll be alright. If i can give some advice, make friends, not enemies. I'm Chris by the way."
"Silas." He felt slightly more comfortable, knowing that maybe someone could help him out around here.

Lunch rolled around at 12pm sharp. He entered the cafeteria and took a tray. he looked around the room and found an empty table. He sat down, everything was starting to become real. He was in prison for murder. He picked up his fork and moved his food around. He looked up and noticed a different large man standing next to him. "What's a pretty boy like you doing in here?" The man laughed and touched his shoulder. He tried to move away but the man's grip tightened. "What's wrong? Cat got your tongue?"
"Get the fuck off him man." He turned around and Chris was standing there. His hair now tied up in a small bun. "Who the fuck are you?" the man tightened his grip on Silas.
"None of your business, but messing with a kid isn't your business either, leave him be."
"And if I don't?" The man laughed and grabbed Silas's hair and pulled his head back, forcing him to look up at him. "I'll knock your teeth out." Chris threatened the man and moved closer to the table.
"Try me-" Before the man could finish Chris had already punched him in his mouth, knocking one of his teeth out. "Told you, Now fuck off." The man cursed under his breath and walked away. Chris sat down next to Silas and offered him an extra milk. "You're going to have to learn to defend yourself in here. You can't just freeze up like that." Silas took the milk and nodded. he opened it up and took a sip, usually he hated drinking milk, but he was so thirsty he would drink anything.
As free time rolled around, all he wanted to do was get clean, he roamed around trying to find the showers when he finally spotted them. He walks inside and noticed that they were actually semi private, each shower had a curtain that could be pulled. He sighed of relief as he made his way into one of them and stripped his clothes off his body. There wasn't anyone else in there currently, so hopefully it would be peaceful. He ran the water and it made him jump, it was ungodly cold. No matter how far he turned the handle over to red it stayed cold. "Fucking christ..." He mumbled as he braced himself for the shock again. The cold water ran down his body causing goosebumps to form. The soft curls on his head began to fall loose as the water hit them. He looked around trying to find any products, which was when he realized he would have to buy them himself. For now, just water could do the job.
He cleaned himself off, and then just stayed standing in the shower, letting the water fall on his face. Thoughts of why he was in here raced through his mind, but for now he tried to push them aside. He had to focus on surviving in this place. "Yo kid, can you hurry the fuck up?" He turned and noticed a man was standing outside of his shower. "Sorry- I'll be done in a sec." The man mumbled something under his breath he couldn't quite make out. He quickly turned the water back to its original position, dried off and threw his jumpsuit back on. He opened the curtain, apologizing one more time to the man before quickly exiting the bathroom.

Dinner surprisingly went fairly normal, not many people bothered him this time compared to that morning. He was placed back in his cell for lights out. "How was your first day?" Chris had been reading again in his bunk, Silas looked up to meet his eyes. "It was.. Alright, people stopped bothering me after what you did so far.." He laughed lightly and sat down on his bunk. "Mm, That's good."
They sat in silence for a moment, the question of what Chris had done had been lingering in his mind since Chris had asked him the same question. "What did you do to get in here?" Silas laid back on his bunk and stared up at the metal bars that held the bunks together. "Robbery." He shifted so that his head was near the edge of the bed and looked up at Chris. "Robbed what?"
"A bank, With a few friends. I'm sure you saw it on the news a few years back." Silas tried to remember anything about a high stakes robbery that took place, but nothing was coming to mind. "When was it?" He asked curiously. "2010" That made more sense now to Silas, he wouldn't have heard or seen it, since he only moved to the states in 2011. "Oh, I see."
Chris went back to reading his book, seemingly entranced by his novel. Silas took that as a queue to leave him alone and laid back down on the uncomfortable flat pillow beneath his head. He traced over the marks on the wall with his fingertips. So many people had probably slept in this same room before him, possibly died in here as well. The thought gave him chills as he pulled his hand away from the frigid wall and placed his hands beneath himself, trying to warm them up.

He didn't remember falling asleep, but he was awoken from the shine of a very bright flashlight pointed at his face. He squinted his eyes as he sat up, trying to focus on what was happening. "Silas Kozlov. You've made bail. Grab your stuff, you're getting out."

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