Chapter 7: Silas Nikolai Kozlov

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"COPS!" Silas whipped his head up from his bed, his eyes darted around his room as he heard one of the members scream from the living room. He stood up and quickly shoved his gun in between his mattress and his bed frame. He ran out of his room and saw everyone grabbing the drugs and flushing them down the toilet. He looked out the window and saw two police cars pulling up into the drive way. His mind was racing. He didn't have long to think though since Deadshot came storming over to him. "What the fuck happened yesterday?!"
He couldn't even manage to speak, all the chaos happening was causing him to freak out, were they here for him? Or were they here because of the gang?
"Chicago Police Department open up!"
Deadshot looked over at the guys in the bathroom and they had just finished flushing everything. Silas hadn't even gotten dressed yet, all he was wearing was a tshirt and boxers. "Do we open the door?" he whispered. "Just shut the fuck up-" Deadshot walked over to the door and opened it. "Good morning officers, what seems to be the problem?"
"We have a warrant for Silas Kozlovs arrest, we've been told that he has been living here." His mind raced, he turned and debated running out the back door, into the woods, he wouldn't have time.
I'm fucked, I'm fucked-
The police barged in and saw Silas standing in the living room frozen. They had their guns drawn and quickly surrounded him. They bent him over the couch and began placing cuffs on him. "You are being arrested as a suspect in the murder of Mr Mike Taylor, You have the right to remain silent, everything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law, you have the right to a lawyer and have them present with you as you are being questioned. If you can not afford a lawyer, one will be appointed to represent you before any questioning if you wish. You can decide at any time to exercise these rights and not answer any questions or statements. Do you understand each of these rights I have explained to you?" The officer spoke fairly calmly, meanwhile Silas was freaking out as the cuffs were digging into his wrists. The rest of the members stared at the sight. Out of the corner of his eyes he could see how angry deadshot was. He watched deadshot mouth, You're dead if you squeak. "I do." The cops swiftly took him away into the back of the cop car, as he watched the house fade into the distance.

As he was brought into the police station, his anxiety only heightened. He wasn't guilty yet, he prayed that he would be able to get out of this. He was placed in a small room with a table and two chairs. He was unlocked of his handcuffs as a different police officer entered the room. She was tall, and looked very strong. "Are you Silas Kozlov?"
"Yes Ma'am."
The woman sat down infront of him with a notepad and two glasses of water.
"Would you like a glass of water?"
"No thank you."
"Alright, Silas, How old are you?"
"Alright, and what's your date of birth?"
"October 24th 2002."
"Okay.. And what's your relationship with the people you are living with?"
"Just some friends from school."
"You don't live with your parents?"
"No ma'am."
"Could I ask why?"
"Just some arguments."
"Okay. Are you aware of the murder of Mr Mike Taylor?"
"Yes Ma'am."
"Okay. We found some of your DNA on a gun that had been dumped in a lake nearby the crime scene. The bullets match the ones used to kill Mr Taylor. Could you tell me a bit about that?"
"....I.. Was at the Gas station.. And Mike Taylor, tackled me. He threatened me with his gun, and I wanted to defend myself."
"I see, and were you with the others who were robbing the store at the time?"
"I find that hard to believe Mr Kozlov. We talked to a few witnesses and they stated you walked in with them, as well you were wearing the same masks as they were."

She slid over a photo of the CCTV footage with him walking in.

"Look, Mr Kozlov, Watching over the footage, I understand that it was self defence, however you do not have a gun license. As well, being associated with a robbery is a hefty charge. I don't understand why a kid would be associated with those kinds of people."

He stayed silent, unsure of what to say. He stared down at the photo and began fidgeting with his fingers. The officer slid him a few more photos, ones containing CCTV footage of Aiden, Deadshot, and a few others in the gang walking down town, with their masks off of course.

"We have evidence to believe that this is the Gang that did that robbery, which would mean you know these people. Could you please identify these people on this photo for me?"
"I'm sorry ma'am, but i'm not sure who they are."
"Silas. There is no point in lying to cover for these people. I understand you don't live with your parents, which I can assume means you're only means of surviving currently is through them. But lying for people who don't actually care about you is not worth throwing your life away for. If you identify these people in this photo I can assure you things will go easier on you."
"...I..." The image of Deadshot mouthing this words to him played over and over again in his head. "I'm sorry.. But I don't know who those people are."
"Okay. I see. Would you like to make anymore starements?"
"No ma'am."

"Is that all Mr Kozlov?"
The court room was bright and gave him a headache. The officers had given him a pair of pants to wear and he was standing in handcuffs infront of the judge.
"Yes your honour."
"Your charges are set as 3rd degree murder. How do you plea?"
"Guilty your honour."
"Silas Nikolai Kozlov, you are sentenced to 5 years in prison with a chance of parole. With your bail set at 50,000$."
His life was crumbling infront of him, he was trying to hold on for dear life, but soon he would be in prison.
There's no way I can last 5 years.. 50,000$? Who even has that much on hand?

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