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   𝐇𝐈𝐒 𝐋𝐀𝐒𝐓 𝐖𝐎𝐑𝐃𝐒 𝐏𝐔𝐓 the rest of the company on edge too. Frowns dug deeper into their foreheads as they observed the Calormene. The kings kept their swords in high guard, ready for if Samira made an unexpected move, but she didn't.

Samira noticed the change and mirrored their frowns. 'And you're not,' she retorted and placed her hands on her waist. She trusted that Peter wouldn't use his sword on her unless she'd provoke him. Besides, her arms were getting tired and so was she trying to hold them up.

She'd read about Peter before, though he'd been referred to mostly as a King of Old. He and his siblings weren't mentioned in any of the Calormene history books she'd managed to find across Tashbaan. However, there was one place in the whole city where books could be found that shouldn't be read anywhere in Calormen. Samira had read them nonetheless and so learnt about the Kings and Queens of Old, all of whom were standing before her she assumed.

The blond High King and his younger brother, another King of Narnia. The drawings of him were more accurate than she thought they'd be, as Edmund's frown was the same in real life. Susan and Lucy were easy to identify as the Queens of Old, and Samira didn't have to wonder who was who.

'What are you doing here, so far away from your home?' Caspian asked.

'You and your friend are not going to introduce yourselves first?' Samira countered his question and raised her eyebrows. 'I prefer not to answer personal questions from strangers.'

Caspian straightened his shoulder, his hand resting on the handle of his sword. 'I am Caspian X,' he answered a little reluctantly.

Samira knew him too. Or rather, his father and grandfathers. Caspian IX had visited Tashbaan once in her lifetime and it was a grand deal. The streets were swept, flowers were arranged. During the Telmarine Age, Telmar and Calormen were strong allies and had managed to rule most of the Narnian world for over three hundred years. That was until the Kings and Queens of Old had returned, however, Samira had no knowledge of the ending of the Telmarine Age.

'Why are you all the way up here, in Telmar?' Susan repeated Caspian's questions. Her eyes reeked off curiosity, like she could never get enough information. They were sharp too, the cleverness resided in her brain clearing her eyes' vision. As fixated as Samira was on Susan, Susan was just as intrigued. One glance of those brown eyes told Susan of a lifetime of struggle that had never been put into words.

'Did the Tisroc send out spies to watch our every move?' Peter added. His sword had found its way back into its holster. He'd felt silly for holding onto it for so long as even Samira had noticed the threat of it vanishing.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 24 ⏰

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