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"Let's get on with it, shall we?" Dean Highbottom slurred, and Alethea noticed he had a little too much to drink before the ceremony.

All the students sat in anxious silence, besides Arachne who had an evil grin on her face. Dean Highbottom read out the names of the tributes from 1 to 6. Sejanus, despite his wishes, received the boy from 2. His past home.

As their teacher read through the first 6 districts, Alethea prayed that her tribute would not be from 7 and she wouldn't end up like Sejanus. However, it was like her prayers were ignored when Highbottom read out that she was mentoring the boy from 7.

Alethea felt her heart stop and her blood run cold as she looked at the screen, to see the boy she had loved many years ago. He still had his brown curly hair and brown eyes, but his wobbling lips and teary eyes replaced the bright face that she had remembered. She felt Theo's eyes on her, and she heard Arachne chuckle. Tears welled in her eyes, and she removed her gaze from the screen.

"It's going to be okay, Lee" Theo reassured, giving her hand a squeeze. The boy knew Elethea had a past with Treech as the girl regularly talked about him, making Theo rather jealous of Treech. However in this situation, he sympathises for Treech and hates Dean Highbottom for deliberately placing Elethea with a tribute from District 7. But most of all, he felt sorry for his friend and he couldn't help but notice the fear in her wide eyes.

The rest of the ceremony, Elethea remained quiet and kept to her thoughts. She heard Theo receive a girl from 9 called River, who was around his age. This made Theo feel an immense amount of guilt. These were children, not killers. Nobody deserved this.

 Nobody deserved this

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Yuri Tsunematsu as

 Yuri Tsunematsu as

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