🌈 Chapter 15 ~ Red 🌈

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Book may contain mentions of:
If these trigger you I suggest you don't read this!
Now onto the story..

Third person Pov:

Everyone (Except Julie) would gather to the break room and then only realize that, Walden and Sally weren't back yet.. huh what was happening?

Walden's Pov:

Me and Sally would run up the stairs to the third floor but she was taking a long time, "Jesus Christ Sally! Fucking pick up the pace!" I yell, she gasps dramatically, "it's not my fault you have longer legs bitch!" She would growl, I glare at her and go to where she is on the stair case and grab her and throw her up the stairs, and I hear her crash on top of the stairs, "Owww! What the hell Wally!", I run up the stairs, "It's Boss, Get it right or your going where the Yellow Y/N is right now" I growl as she stands up, "Whatever Wally" I roll my eyes, we open the door to the third floor and see it's practically turned to dust, Every thing is almost destroyed.

We both run towards the red Y/N who's creating all this destruction, "Oh great it's the gossip bitch and the Asshole for a boss." They growl, "See Sally they atleast say boss- wait An Asshole?! I'll show you asshole!" As I put my fists up ready to beat the shit out of this version of Y/N, Julie bumps into Sally making her fall over, "Get up Sally." I growl angrily, as she gets up, "You don't have to be so mean! Your literally worse than the red Y/N.." She mumbles, I roll my eyes, I look back towards the red Y/N but their gone, "What the.." suddenly I feel a sharp pain in the back of my head and I fall forwards to the ground, I groan, I look up to see the red Y/N with a piece of metal that has a bit of blood on it, Which was probably mine..

I get up and grab the metal but they keep a strong hold on it, Sally kicks them in the gut making them stumble backwards and let go of the metal, "Good job Sal!" I mumble. The Red Y/N seemed even more angry than ever "ILL SHOW YOU WHAT THE REAL Y/N WANTED TO DO YOU WHEN SHE WAS ABUSED BY THAT SHITTY WORKER!" They yell, I instantly feel regret, I already hurt inside that I hit Y/N for no reason when I decided the hire the worst person on earth, Now they were bringing it up again? Oh that's it. I tackle the Red Y/N to the ground, The red Y/N bites my shoulder making me jolt upwards back onto my feet, "YOU LITTLE-" before I can finish what I was saying the red Y/N knees me in the shin, "FUCK!" I shout before stumbling backwards.

I wheeze, "ohmyfuckinggod-" I manage to mumble as I slouch over and hold my shin in pain, Sally goes in and tases red Y/N, Sally smirks in success as she takes the taser away, But the red Y/N is still standing they seem crazed now with their hair all fuzzy, They grab Sally's neck strangling her, I can here Sally gag, "Now for you, you piece of shit." They start rangling Sally's neck like if she was a goose as Sally repeatedly gags. I fight through the pain and punch the red Y/N in the back of the head making them let go of Sally.

"AUGH! YOU CUNT!" They yell, They grab a gun from the pounch of and unconscious worker they beat earlier and start shooting at us, I grab Sally and take cover, We hide behind a destroyed machine at is made of metal. "Holy shit.." Sally says in a croaky voice as she rubs her throat, after literally getting throttled around like a doll. I pull the gun from my pouch aswell, "Wally don't shoot them! Otherwise we'll loose the original Y/N aswell!" Sally yelps as all we can basically hear is bullets hitting the metal behind us. "I know that idiot!" I murmur as I roll out from the metal barrier, And point the gun at Red Y/N's gun.

It was a stand off, there was a few moments, Then I shoot the first bullet, Red Y/N dodges it and the bullet continues flying and it barely misses Julie, I was honestly hoping it would hit her, Even just the tiniest bit, but oh well. Then the red Y/N just opens fire and it begins to rain bullets, I duck for cover behind the piece of metal as the Red Y/N gets closer, "Come out you Wuss! Fight me! Or are you to scared to fight a (Gender)" Suddenly we all hear the elevator doors open and everyone steps out, The red Y/N directs their attention towards them and loads the gun, "WATCH OUT!" Sally yells, Red Y/N shoots the bullet, Everyone reacts in time except one, Frank gets shot in the shoulder.

Frank collapses to the ground and everyone goes into a fit of panic, Especially Eddie, He's crying and shaking as he kneels down next to Frank trying to keep him awake as Poppy trys to remove the bullet, "FRANK! NO NO NO! PLEASE STAY WAKE LOVE, PLEASE!" Eddie yells in a fit of fear "HAH! That's what you get you grumpy old ass crack!" Red Y/N laughs, I get enough time to shoot the gun Red Y/Ns holding, They try to shoot me but the gun was now jammed and un-functional, Eddie and Poppy carry Frank back to the elevator to go to the infirmary.

Red Y/N runs to one of the biggest containment cells in the factory, "Have fun with dealing with this assholes!" They yell as they open the containment cell door. Experiment - 3545 escapes into the hall, Now how should I describe it.. It's a 10 foot beast with swamp reeds and vines covering it from head to toe, It's shaped like a bull but it stands on its hind legs (or all legs depending what attack pattern it uses), Large horns that glow in the dark and purple glowing eyes behind the reeds. It gets on all fours and runs at all of us as red Y/N is laughing their head off.

Everyone immediately moves to the side to avoid getting hit, But Barnaby just had to grab it's reeds and swing on top of it, It savagely shakes trying to get Barnaby off, Barnaby goes flying into a wall, Howdy drags Barnaby to the elevator to go to the infirmary. I pull out my taser and tase it but it didn't have much effect, Julie pulls out her tase and also tases it putting more effect in it, Then Sally grabs a taser off a beat workers body and along with us tase the beast until it falls onto the ground unconscious. Red Y/N stops laughing but turns fuming again "HOW?! THAT WAS SUPPOSED TO KILL YOU!" They yell, Julie tackles them to the ground and holds their hands behind their back as they squirm and scream angrily, I drop the tase and jab them in the side of the neck with the crystal, Making them glow and disappear into the crystal.


After all of that, and after Barnaby and Frank got treated in the infirmary, We all meet back in the break room, I pull out the blue, grey and red crystals, Frank pulls out the yellow crystal, While Eddie was just clinging onto his arm, and Julie pulls out the pink crystal, We connect them together and there was a white flash, Once opening our eyes again, There they were the original Y/N, Our. Y/N, everyone hugs them, but I get to them first, And I begin to cry, "I missed you.." I mumble and I bury my face into their shoulder.

Everyone seemed shocked that I was crying, my head snaps towards them, "What. Never seen a grown man cry??" I growl.

My Aussie choir peeps will under stand :3
Words: 1400)

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