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When Langa had finally landed from his incredible stunt, Reki wasted no time in going up to him and grabbing him by the collar. "You're...", he seemed furious with him. "...awesome!", he suddenly finished. The following silence was impossible to miss as we all stared at him in clear confusion. I thought he was mad.

After all the commotion had died down and Langa and Reki had left, I decided to leave too. After all, I didn't have much to stay for.

The next morning, I sprang up, got ready, put my purple braids into a ponytail and put on this outfit:

Then, as usual, after breakfast, I grabbed my purple wolf-and-crown-patterned skateboard and headed off for school

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Then, as usual, after breakfast, I grabbed my purple wolf-and-crown-patterned skateboard and headed off for school. Now, even though I was holding my skateboard, I decided to just walk as I usually did some mornings. Hey, it was healthier. As I walked, I saw Reki and Langa in the distance a couple of miles ahead sitting on some stairs.

As I approached, I saw Langa had bruises on him and a plaster on his nose. I wondered what happened. Getting closer but also walking a little slower, I heard Reki ask Langa, "You seriously wanna skate?" I stayed patient to hear the answer. "I want to...try skating", Langa replied. "I want to skate", he firmly added. At this, I walked into their sight, "That's good to hear"

Both boys looked up at me surprised. "Oodanka Ono?", Reki was both surprised and confused. I simply stood there with my skateboard under my arm and a half-smile-half-smirk. "Hello, Reki", I greeted the redhead.

"Huh?", Langa looked at Reki confused. "She's in our class, she sits in between us", he told him (Langa). "Oh", Langa seemed to catch on. "However, more importantly, she is a skater", Reki added. I always loved a good back story, especially when it's mine. "Oh", Langa commented with the same one word.

"Known as Queen, Oodanka Ono is the best female skater known to "S" in not just this era, but of all time", Reki stated. Langa was shocked and turned to me, "Wow" "That's all nice and true but, don't we have a blu-nette to teach?", I motioned to my board and Langa. Reki just smiled.

Soon, we were in a secluded part of the school teaching Langa with Reki's spare board. I sat on my skateboard cross-legged as I watched. "First, you keep your rear foot on the ground while you put your other foot on top of the deck. Right around the screws on the nose", Reki told him. Langa put his foot on the front and Reki commended him.

"Wait", I noted. "Goofy?", I asked him. He was standing the opposite way. "I snowboarded this way", he answered. I just raised my hands in surrender and went back to watching. Langa started rolling the board back and forth with the one foot that was on it.

"Next, put your rear foot on the deck", Reki told him. Langa would lift his foot slightly but put it back down without ever actually putting it on the board. He was scared after his previous first attempts. "If you're scared, I'll hold your hand", Reki offered a hand to him. "I'm fine", Langa turned down his offer.

He was brave, I'd give him that. Then, he tried again to put his rear foot on the deck but put it back down. I just watched him patiently and so did Reki. Finally, he managed to do it but wobbled uncontrollably and ended up falling off. Reki and I just watched him like this sight was the most common thing in the world.

Queen of Skates (Sk8 X Fem OC)Where stories live. Discover now