"everything will be alright"

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"Mom, I really don't want to go"

"It's going to be fine, sweetie, don't worry, everything will be alright" my mother replies in an encouraging tone. "It's for your own good Hortense, and what's more the high school is very close to the house..."

My mother is looking for the slightest positive point of this high school, but I hardly listen to her anymore I was too preoccupied thinking about the day ahead of me. I reluctantly took the road to high school to please my mother. In reality, I don't even know why my mother registered me there because we had enough money for me to continue my education at a girls' high school in order to obtain my bachelor's degree. I tried to talk about it with my mother because she was the one who made this decision but she seemed to want to avoid the subject so I gave up and I went to this high school. My father didn't have a say because he went on a trip for work. He works in politics or something (I never really understood his work).
I was approaching the gate and I suddenly felt a shiver run through my body. When I took a step into the courtyard,I felt all eyes on me. All the boys were whispering incomprehensible things. My look suddenly landed on two girls who were in front of the notice board, I rushed to join them.

"Hi, how are you doing?" I exclaim. The two girls jumped then turned around to address me.

"Oh! you scared us" one of the two girls replies to me in a joking tone. "I am Simone Palladino".
"And I'm Michele Magnan, and you, what's your name ?".
"Hortense" I answer, "Hortense Morel".
"Nice to meet you Hortense, we were just saying that we were afraid of being the only girls".

I didn't have time to answer him that a boy arrived to take a look at the board. Another girl entered into the courtyard. She was very beautiful and well dressed. That's when I saw this boy sitting on one of the benches with his friends. He seemed captivated by the new arrival. The bell then rang. After listening to the general supervisor's speech, we went to our classrooms. I sat behind Simone and Michele then I took out my things and my bag. After taking a brief look at the other people in the classroom, the pretty girl came in and then naturally sat down next to Pichon in the first row which turned out to be a big mistake and our main teacher did not fail to remind her of the rules so that the cohesion between girls and boys goes well. She asked Pichon to sit in the back row, but he responded by talking about him eyesight problems does not seem to change her mind. Pichon took his things and changed places without saying a word. Then, we had Latin lessons. I saw Descamps write something on a piece of paper. Michele turned to give me a curious look and I did the same. He was passing the paper but unfortunately for them, our teacher saw him and asked the boy who had the paper to bring him and accused him while he had done nothing in this story.
Michele then got up and exclaimed that this boy had nothing to do with it.

"Well, you go with your friend to your uncle's office," the professor replied. Little cries of amazement were heard in the classroom. What does "your uncle" mean? Michele was the niece of the general supervisor. It was now time to go to the canteen. The boys were whispering when they saw Michele. The news had probably already circulated in the school. We were talking when suddenly, Descamps pushed Pichon on our table that overturned Annick's plate.

"Uh... sorry Annick, here I give you my plate".          "It is rather the other moron who should give it to him" replied Michele.                                                      "She has a problem the niece of the general supervisor? What did you tell to your uncle? Laubrac is innocent I swear, the problem is Descamps. Bellanger's niece and the bastard, the new novel has the water of pink".

Michele upset, asked him about this famous piece of paper which was the source of the problem. "And can we know what you wrote on this paper?" replies Michele with an arrogant tone. "I didn't write anything, it was a drawing. Wait I show you" Joseph told Michele.
I stared at Descamps drawing something with the bottle of sauce in his mash before seeing him lift his plate showing a drawing of breasts. "Does it remind you of someone?" Joseph asked Michele.
"You mustn't have had the opportunity to see a lot of breasts in your life seeing what your drawing looks like" I replied with a sarcastic tone.
"You seem sure of yourself, after all, I have not yet had the opportunity to see yours yes" replied Joseph.
Simone saw that the conversation embarrassed me so she replied. "Does it remind you of anyone?" said she, cutting her sausage in half. Laughter rang out throughout the canteen.

★ Guys, this is the first time I write I don't really know how to do it lol.
Feel free to tell me what I should change or improve for the next chapters

I hope you like it for the moment. I'm already writing chapter 2.
And guys, english is not my mother tongue so excuse me in advance for mistakes. 💋

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