chapter 5

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Riker's POV

I woke up with Rachel cuddled into my chest and my arm wrapped around her, she seemed so cold, so i grabbed the blanket from the end of the couch and threw it over the both of us. I grabbed my phone and laid back down beside her. I started scrolling through my twitter feed when i noticed rocky posted something. It read "caught Riker and our guest cuddling on the couch this morning". I'm so gonna get him for that later, I looked down at Rachel to see if she was still asleep and noticed she wwithas wide awake at this point, but she was just staring at the ceiling. "what's wrong?" I asked her. "Nothing now that you noticed me, i tapped your shoulder for 5 minutes straight but you were too zoned out in your phone." "oh. haha. sorry about that i get a little distracted sometimes, especially when i'm connecting with my fans." Rachel made a point face at me. "What's wrong" "could you move your arm" I had an idea " and what if I don't" she made a thinking face "then I'll cry" "you wouldn't" "I would" I sighed but still didn't move my arm. Rachel started bawling and I started panicking. My arm was asleep so I could hardly move it so I tried to calm her down by saying 'ahh' or 'its ok' but nothing worked. In my state of panic I leaned down and kissed her on the lips. She looked shocked and stopped crying and kissed back. Before I knew it we were making out. When we were done we both sat there in shock before she spoke up."so does this mean..." she trailed off. "I love you Rachel and and I don't know how or what makes me feel this way but I love you" "Riker I..." she trailed off again "I knew it was stupid I shouldn't have even-" I was cut off by her lips connecting with mine. When she pulled back she said "riker I love you too" "Rachel w-will you go out with me?" "Of course I will you idiot" then she tackled me in a hug and we started making out again until rocky walked. "Oh..I'll just uh leave you guys to it then" we stopped before he left Rachel was blushing dark red " no its fine rocky what did you need" "rydel made breakfast and sent me in here to get you two" "k we'll be out in a bit" then he walked out. Rachel got up and went to her bag cause she hadn't unpacked anything and pulled out a dark blue slightly above knee length dress "how about this?" She asked me. "Beautiful" is all I said. I pulled out a pair of black skinny jeans with holes on the knees and a turquoise blue tshirt and changed in front of her as she watched " I don't mind you staring but try not to be too obvious" she blushed at that and went in the bathroom to change when she came out I wrapped my arm around her waist and whined "rikerrr I still have to my hair and make-up" "you can do it after we eat now come on" "wait" she went to her bag and got some elbow length black net gloves to hide her cuts and put them on then she came back over and I put my arm back on her waist and we walked in the other room where food was waiting for us. "MMM smells good" Rachel and I said in sync. Everyone giggled at that. We all sat at the table and started eating the eggs pancakes and hash browns rydel had made. After we finished eating everyone went their separate ways to get ready for the meet and greet in Houston at 1 which was in 2 hours. Rachel took about an hour on hair and makeup then just came in with me and did my vocal warmups with me so I didn't feel lonely. Those took about half an hour and then my mom came in and said "15 minutes and we're leaving" 15 minutes later everyone met up outside and got into the two rental cars we had for the next 2 days and we left for the meet and greet. From what I was told there would only be about 30 or 40 people there.

I think I'm getting better at making these longer the word count only goes up about 20 to 40 words each chapter except chapter one cause chapter 1 was like 1 thousand something then it dropped to like 640 but I'm back up at 750 ish for this chapter so yay anyways here's the new chapter hope you enjoyed it ~Riley

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