xianwang # one shorts

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Once upon a time in the historical world long ago no omegas were valued and any omega children born would be killed which is why there are no omegas in this historical world today.

This historical world has come to a point where there are alphas and betas but no omegas because they are extinct.Neither Alpha nor Beta can conceive a child in this world.So the kings of all the big kingdoms are worried about how their future generations will lead.

So they started a treatment where betas were experimented on and tried to impregnate them.Many have succeeded and many have fail
But even if successful, those children would not be strong, but very weak.
And all the betas who gave birth to children died during childbirth

Worried about all these problems sits on the throne the only emperor to rule all these historical worlds.

Emperor Wei  is very worried because they have to raise this generation or they will all become extinct.And his 3  children have passed their marriageable age.Yes they were all alphas and were trying to find quality and good betas for them so they could give birth to the next heir to their kingdom in a healthy way.

The emperor was sitting on his throne thinking about these things when his spies came to him and happily said, “Emperor has good news for you."

The emperor then turned to him and said to him, “What"

"Emperor, an  Omega has been found in this  kingdom "

"Indeed, if this is false then you will be punished"

"No emperor this is true news and a day laborer in our kingdom gave birth to her omega child and she kept her child secret.But today I saw that Omega in the woods and I smelled the ferumons of that omega and knew he was a omega."

"He!  Is that  omega a boy?"

"yes emperor"

On hearing this the emperor's eyes sparkled and he said ,"quickly arrange to bring that  omega to this royal court along with his parents.Rewards will be ready for you"

The emperor was very happy because boy omegas are very rare and they are much healthier than normal omegas and give birth to healthy babies.

The emperor soon  Oder his three children to attend the meeting, and a meeting began at court.

Wei Shi ying  is the first child of the emperor.Very angry and short-tempered by nature.

Wei ying in the emperor's second child are naturally flirty and talk a lot

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Wei ying in the emperor's second child are naturally flirty and talk a lot......

Wei ying in the emperor's second child are naturally flirty and talk a lot

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Wei tang san is the third prince , quiet by nature and speaks less.

Wei tang san is the third prince , quiet by nature and speaks less

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The age of these three was 36.
As they get older their physical needs have also increased but they still haven't spent the night with a beta or anyone because they are princes of the kingdom they have a different status.

Everyone was sitting in the assembly court. Just then a 17 year old boy was brought in front of them and behind him were two ages.Maybe they are the boy's parents.The boy's parents had fear and tears in their eyes.

The boy's parents had fear and tears in their eyes

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But the present all was busy looking at the boy because the boy looked so cute and the boy's pheromones were so sweet and still saying that he was a omega.

A judgmental smile appeared on the emperor's face and he went to the little boy's parents saying," there is no reason to fear I am grateful to you that you kept your omega child alive."

Hearing this, the boy's parents heaved a sigh of relief and said, "We will take this son far away, forgive me."

"I didn't talk about taking him away but you are not out of danger yet because it was forbidden to keep an Omega alive here, yet you committed a wrongdoing by keeping him alive and you must be punished."

Hearing this the boy was frightened and held his father's hand tightly and bowed his head in punishment. Then the emperor said,"I will have three children in marriage with this child of yours"

I'm sincerely sorry because I can't give daily ff updates I'm a bit busy now.However, now I have brought another new story with you. And if you like it then definitely let me know through comments then I will bring the next

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