Hey guys, Butterlover328 here!! This is the last part of the triple upload, and the next chapter of TPT will (hopefully) be out on Friday. This chapter will be split in two parts for two reasons. 1) I don't have enough time to finish Chapter 14 because I'm working all this week, and this weekend I have two lacrosse tournaments to go to. (I know what you're thinking, "But Butterlover, I thought you said you were done with lacrosse for the summer." And I technically am, but one of my goalie friends has gotten close to getting heat stroke and the coaches ((who I am friends with)) don't want her to get hurt, so they asked me to play as well. I agreed wholeheartedly.) And 2) that's how it is on Quotev, plus it's a long chapter as well. (Chapters 2, 13 and 14 are my longest. 14 will be by far.) So anyways, I hope that you enjoy part 1, and I'll see you later. Bye!!
As the weeks whittled by, Hermione became more and more stressed as the end of the year approached, despite the fact that the exams were still a while away. She created study-schedules and color-coded her notes, trying to get the boys to do the same. However, even Draco knew she was over-reacting and so the boys had taken the responsibility on their shoulders to try to get her to relax once in a while.
However, even though the majority of the students weren't worried about exams, (the minority being 5th and 7th years, as well as Hermione) the teachers had started to shove more homework down their throats, so Neville, Percy and Harry had all joined Draco's and Hermione's study group (which had previously been just the two of them) to try to get the extra work done so they could enjoy the spring holidays.
As Harry and Percy looked out the window, staring longingly at the clear blue skies, they also mentally quizzed each other on the material, making sure neither forgot something that would most likely be on the exams in the coming weeks. The five had come to a compromise the second week of the study group, in that everyone would just studying just one subject and tutor the others about that subject.
Currently, Neville was quizzing them about Herbology, one of the only subjects he seemed to have a knack for.
"-ry. PERCY, HARRY!! SNAP OUT OF IT!!" Hermione stage-whispered, snapping her fingers in front of the twins, successfully breaking them out of their daze. The twins looked at her inquisitively, as she pointed back to Neville, who was looking at them expectantly for the answer.
"Sorry, we weren't paying attention. What was the question??" Harry said.
"Honestly Harry, we have exams soon. You need to focus. Anyways, why is essence of dittany a perfect healing potion for everyday life??" She scolded.
"It's because Dittany is useful in stopping digestive problems and pains, and can also be used to heal wounds." Percy chimed in, looking at the exit earnestly. Hermione sighed and closed her book.
"I guess if you want, we can head outside for a bit. But then we are getting right back to studying, alright??" All the boys nodded and got their stuff together.
The five were about to leave the library when Hagrid walked in, hiding something behind his back. He looked very out of place in his moleskin overcoat.
"Hey Hagrid, what are you doing in the library??" Neville asked. The half-giant's eyes widened and looked all around nervously.
"Jus' lookin'," he said, in a shifty voice that got the first years' collective interest at once. "Yer not still lookin' fer the you-know-what in the you-know-where, are yeh??"
"You already know we know what it is, Hagrid. Why are you-" Percy was stopped by a huge hand covering his mouth, Hagrid crouching down in front of the five.
The Potter Twins: Heroes of Two Different Worlds
FanfictionThis is a story I also have on Quotev under the same name and username, and I was going to post it on here at some point so I decided on a whim to do it now instead of later. Summary: What would happen if Percy Jackson and Harry Potter were twins...