Chapter 2

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The morning in the Ignacio-Hartwell household was kind of a mess. There are organizers and caterers in every corner as they get ready for a big celebration. It's officially the 25th of November, which means that Selene and Helios are one month old by now.

They've been planning this party for two weeks since the twins were born. Of course, it was Cece's idea which Rori agreed to in a heartbeat as she wanted to celebrate the arrival of two beautiful angels in their lives. They agreed that it would just be intimate, inviting only their families and closest friends. But Celeste, as one fan of grand gestures, still went all out - hiring a catering service, and event organizers, and creating invites that their guests could RSVP to.

While the crews were busy running around with Cece overseeing them, Rori took the time to bring the kids out for a walk. They usually do this every morning with Cece but this day has been a mess. They don't want the babies to be stressed with all the commotion going on inside the house so they take a longer walk than they usually do.

Aurora decided to settle themselves in one corner of the park. There weren't many people in the area at this time of the day, mostly just pet owners walking their dogs. Some of them look their way, stealing a glance at the twins who are sleeping peacefully inside their stroller. She would smile at them and let them see their child but would refuse a photo. She and Cece agreed to not expose their children out in the world until the right time comes.

"Eli and Sese, right?" One of the neighbors, a woman in her early 20s, who was casually passing by from a jog asked. She nodded with a smile as the passersby adorably stared at the twins. "I'm a fan of Celeste, and I so love your love story. I heard it's their one-month-old celebration. Can I give something as a gift?" The neighbor asked.

Rori hesitated for a while. At times and in situations like this she could only wish that Celeste was by her side. "Not right now, though. I would just really love to knit something for the kids." She said in addition. Rori's guards are still up but she nodded her head politely before giving a smile to the woman.

"Oh, sure. I would invite you to our house but the celebration is for family only. But, I'll tell Celeste about your kindness." She responded, making it clear that they would accept the gift but they would not invite any other person over their house. They've been very careful about who to let inside their house since the kids were born. They move with utmost caution to prevent anything that may harm the kids.

"Yes, of course. I understand. Thanks, Ms. Rori!" And off she goes, sprinting away from them when she bid the twins goodbye.

The smile on Rori's face remained until the girl was completely out of her sight. Then, she heard a groan just beside her. When she lifted her head to see who it was, she was shocked to see her sulky wife beside her. Cece looks irritated, and she knows exactly why.

"Nawala lang ako saglit sa tabi mo may kausap ka na agad na ibang babae?" Cece asked, eyes teary and lips are pouty. Rori could only let out a chuckle seeing her wife act like a baby again.

"Wala eh, lapitin." She joked, making Cece's face longer. She laughed upon receiving a glare from her wife. "That was your fan. She wants to give gifts to the kids. She said she'll knit something." Rori explained. Cece's eyes lit up in an instant, which rather delights Aurora.

The woman took the seat beside her, held her hand, and rested her head on her shoulders.

"What's happening in the house, Star?"

"Daryl came early. Gusto niya raw tumulong so I said he should take charge while we're getting ready."

Aurora's eyebrows creased. She shrugged her shoulders trying to make Cece look at her, and the woman did.

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