Chapter 3

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Before they decided to have children, Rori and Cece made sure they are ready to face the challenges of parenthood. They've took classes and sought advises from their parents - from changing the diapers to giving them their first bath. But there's one thing they weren't prepared for.

Aurora is not a morning person, everybody knows that. But for some reason, she's awake at five in the morning aiding to her crying son. She's been up and about for thirty minutes, but the one-year-old Eli wouldn't stop crying. Rori brought him out to the living room as not to wake up her wife and her daughter.

"Oh Eli, baby, what is wrong?" She asked, more to herself as she tries to make him stop wailing.

Her arms are already feeling numb that she has to put him down. The baby keeps moving around, obviously uneasy. Gently, she placed her palm above his stomach in an attempt to gently caress his tummy. Upon the contact, Rori flinched as she felt a definite abnormal temperature of her baby.

"Eli, are you sick?" She asks, as if the baby could answer her.

In a split of second, her mind went blank and she just keeps playing with her fingers. It took her a couple of seconds before deciding to rummage the drawers and look for a thermometer. She remembers where they put stuff, but for that moment nothing comes to mind aside from the fact that Eli has a high fever.

"Come on! My son has a fever and I could even find the freaking thermometer." She blabbed to herself. She left all drawers open, not caring if the house became untidy. All she cares about is finding what she needs to treat her son.

"Rori!" she called her name, "self, what kind of mother are you? You have to take him to the hospital."

She reached for her keys and jacket, grabbed some clothes to cover her baby boy. They were about to walk out of the house when Rori realized something. She looked upstairs, and released a heavy sigh. In normal circumstance, she would have handled the situation herself, but she knew it will anger Cece had she decide to keep it to herself.

Carefully, Eli was placed in the crib placed at their living room, then she ran upstairs to wake her wife up. She didn't bother being careful, she's in full panic mode and she needs Cece to wake up right that instant.

"Star, wake up. We have to bring Eli to the hospital."

It didn't take a minute for Cece to get up. The moment she heard that from Rori, she jumped out of the bed and grabbed her slippers. "Is he hurt? May lagnat ba? Nasaan siya, shine? Where's our Eli?"

Under any instance, Rori would definitely ask for her to calm down, but today she didn't. She knew they needed someone to be sane enough to drive them safely to the hospital. But being a mother taught her that anxiety over any inconvenience to their children would never go away and is part of their life now.

"He's downstairs. I have Sese. Let's go." Rori, who immediately but carefully transferred her daughter so they could be ready to go.

Celeste, on the other hand, did not bother changing into a decent clothes and ran off still in her pajamas. She heard their Eli crying half-away upon coming to him. Wasting no time, she placed her hand on his forehead feeling his body temperature.

"Oh, my poor baby." She whispered, trying to stop herself from crying. She lifted him up and carried him as Rori and Sese approached them both. She saw Rori took the house key, then the wife pointed at the car key right above the coffee table.

"Get them both settled in the car. I'll secure the house first." Rori instructed. Wasting no time, she proceeded to do as her wife told her so. Over the course of their relationship, she knew better than to question Rori's decision in every stressful scenarios.

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