Throwback A

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The doctor said a trip to a beach would be a great idea to for Eli. Swimming is a great activity to strengthen the muscles of the heart. The fresh air of the sea would also be good for their lungs. This is why Celeste and Aurora decided to hire a swimming instructor for babies, teaching their kids how to swim in an early age before bringing them on their very first trip.

"This is it. What do you think, Shine?" Celeste asked Aurora who's looking amusedly at yacht in front of her. She can't believe Cece was serious when she said she'd buy a yacht for their kids, so they would have something to ride to whenever they have their getaways like this.

"Oh my God, it's huge." Rori uttered in complete surprised. She knew Cece has always been this huge gesture kind of romantic, she built a house for her, opened a restaurant, and made her a big garden, but it never fails to surprise her. "This is ours?"

"Wanna see the inside?" Cece asked, offering her hand to Rori to guide her wife up. "But, we can't sail right now. You know, I don't know how to pilot this thing." she revealed, to which Rori laughed at.

Seeing it outside caught her breath, but actually seeing what's waiting inside took it away. They could practically live in here and they would be fine. The first thing she saw was the living room, there's entertainment where they could watch movies or play games. Behind the living room is the kitchen, and it is packed like the ones at home. The yacht has one bedroom, but enough to fit the whole family even when the twins grew up years later.

"We could live here. That would be good for Eli." Rori whispered while she's scanning the yacht. Cece stayed beside her, holding her hand while she's giving her a tour.

"They'd love it here. Lalo na si Selene. She loves swimming." Cece responded.

They took a moment staring at the sea. The sun was about to set and they should head back soon. But the serenity that the sea gives them makes the couple wants to stay a little longer. Celeste noticed how her wife seemed to be at her most peaceful state since Eli got sick. So, she dialed her mother's phone to call her.

"Ma, kamusta sina Eli at Sese?" she asked when Marie answered the video call. Her wife seemed to hear what she said that Rori looked at her. Cece went beside her and showed her the screen which displayed the two babies sleeping.

"Wag niyo silang alalahanin. Ang sasarap ng tulog matapos dumede." Marie responded.

"Ma, napainom niyo na po ba ng gamot si Eli?" Rori had to ask. The grandmother said yes and showed her the used materials. "Eh si Selene po, naka-inom na ng vitamins?" she asked once again.

Celeste just watched her lovingly as she takes care of their children even when she's not with them. Thinking that about four years ago, Rori did not even want to have kids. Actually, Cece never even thought that they'd still end up together after everything they have to go through.

"Ma, uuwi rin kami maya-maya. We have to go. Bye!" Cece bid goodbye to her mother before ending the call. She then opened her arms wide and let her wife melt in her embrace. Together, they watched as the sun sets and the moon rise up, lighting the dark sky.

"See that, Star?" Rori asked, but she wasn't pointing at anything. Cece tried to look at where she's looking, but she really couldn't figure it out. Until she heard a chuckle from her wife. "Sorry, you look so cute when you're confused. The moon, I meant. How it shines with the stars during the darkness of the night. The twins are like the moon. They'd go through phases, but they'd still shine. They'd experience darkness, but they'd still shine. And most importantly? They'd always have their stars with them, shining bright to light up the sky."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06 ⏰

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