Episode 18 - He was Gone

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The air seemed to thicken as you stared at the breaking news on the screen. The headline screamed in bold letters: Investigative Journalist Found Dead in Apartment.

Your heart plummeted into the pit of your stomach, a heavy sense of dread settling over you like an unwelcome shroud.

You blinked at the image of the journalist, a face now frozen in time, the very face that had bravely pursued the truth you handed her.

The truth about the Serpents gang, about Namjoon's involvement, the destruction of the factory. It was your truth that now seemed to have cost her life.

A wave of shock rippled through you, freezing your limbs in place. The room felt suddenly cold, despite the ambient warmth. Your mind raced to process the implications.

The guilt, like a bitter aftertaste, crept up your throat. You were the one who had given her the video, the evidence that could topple powerful figures.

Your body's physical response mirrored the emotional turmoil within. Your hands, usually steady, trembled as you clutched the edge of the table, as if seeking support that wasn't there. A cold sweat broke across your forehead, and you swallowed hard, the lump in your throat refusing to dissipate.

The room, once a haven, felt like a trap closing in. You became acutely aware of the fragility of the line you had been treading.

The criminal underworld, the gangs, they weren't just words in the news anymore. They were real, and they had real consequences. This wasn't a game, and you were no longer a mere observer.

The weight of the situation pressed down on you, a mixture of fear and regret settling heavily on your chest. What had you unleashed? You had wanted justice, to expose the truth, but now it seemed like a naive fantasy.

The glow of the screen seemed harsh, accusatory. You wanted to look away, to distance yourself from the horror playing out in front of you, but your gaze remained locked, almost magnetically drawn to the unfolding nightmare.

Jungkook's eyes widened as he saw you crumple, your legs giving way beneath you. He rushed forward, his voice laced with concern, "Y/N!"

You met his eyes, tear-streaked and haunted. "I did this, Jungkook. It's my fault. She's dead because of me," you whispered, the weight of guilt and grief evident in your voice.

He pulled you into a tight embrace, his arms a comforting stronghold around you. "Shh, none of it is your fault. You hear me?" His voice was steady, a gentle anchor in the storm of emotions.

"But I gave her the video, Jungkook. I led her into this danger," you choked on your words, the sobs threatening to break free.

He pulled back slightly, cupping your face in his hands. "Y/N, listen to me. What happened to her is not on you. It's on them, on Namjoon, on the Serpents. This is how they operate. They try to terrorize people, make them believe they're responsible for the chaos they create."

His thumb brushed away a stray tear, his touch soothing. He continued, "You did what you thought was right. You exposed the truth. You wanted justice. But their actions, her death, that's on them. Not you."

You nodded, the weight on your shoulders not lifting, but somehow, his words provided a small respite. "I just... I never thought it would come to this."

He sighed, pulling you back into the safety of his arms. "Sometimes, exposing the truth comes at a cost. We're dealing with dangerous people, Y/N. But we'll get through this. Together."

His own body trembled slightly, the reality of the danger hitting him. This protective instinct, the fear that something could happen to you too-it was new for him. Yet, he tried, awkwardly yet earnestly.

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