Chapter 1

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.  Bell rings," Welcome, freshmen. I'm sure you're bummed to be back in school. Well, so am I!" he yells," Five hundred words. What you did on your summer vacation." Name: Randy Cunning ham. Grade: Nine. Title: What did I do on my summer..." A red head pop out of nowhere," Cunningham. "Let me copy off ya'." Howard, we can't turn in the exact same essay. We had the exact same summer. Right Davis?" The raven haired girl noddes," Come on Ackerman let me copy off ya." Sorry Weinerman can't." Howard got hit by a shoe glass shattering and howard groans and Viva laughs getting a glare from Howard," No talking!" Well, it wasn't the exact same." Viva and Randy thought. The four friends run into Randy room," I mean, it started out the same." he opens the book with the game inside and puts inisde the TV they started playing they put a new game in and play it and a other game and play it until they have bags under their eyes," But then a week ago, something epic happened." Congratulations. You have punched all the graves." They did ther secret handshake." And the day after that, Something even epic-er happened." Two shadows A red head and a blue head spied on them randy opens the box," The Ninja-Nomicons." Eh." They both said." You guys are the Ninja and The Kunoichi." Oh, my... sweet!" We have to tell Howard and Alex." The said excited." You guys can't tell anyone." Ah, that's wonk!" They put ont the mask a purple and red  light covers over them and Ninja's suits came." Listen, we don't know how it works, but the Ninja and the Kunoichi suit is the straight-up cheese."  It let us do things we could never, ever do." they did a flip and they hit a sqeaky toy and a bear and they landed and laughed," We are Randy Cunningham and Viva Ackerman. We are the Ninja and the Kunoichi. It's pretty much the coolest thing ever. Only bummer is we can't tell anyone." Not even our best friends." Penciles down!" the teacher grabs the papers roughly," And now were realizing this probably wasn't the best topic for our essay." they tear it up and puts the shreaded paper in the teachers hands." What's this suppose to be?" Uh, our commentry on the fleeting nature of summer?" Ooh, excellent use of meteaphor." -Aced it!" They both yelled." I'll give you a B." -B'ced it!" Go away, Bash!" I don't want  want a wedgie!" I already gave you a wedgie." I just wanna give you your change!" the girls shudder," Can we talk about this Ninja and  Kunoichi situation?" Yeah." Ninja and  Kunoichi situation?" There's no Ninja and  Kunoichi situation." Exactly, the no Ninja and  Kunoichi situation." We've been in Norrisvile High for two days, and we haven't seen them once." I think they have to wait for wait like a monster or a robot attack." Viva states Randy agreed with his crush." Why you guys aren't madder about this?" Yeah." Alex stated,"Come on!" Were their number one fans." I mean, it's not like they can just smoke bomb on by for a meet and greet." Or can they." they both smirk at each other." You assured me you would destory the Ninja and  Kunoichi." Butwe haven't seen them all summer. Have you seen them, Viceroy? I haven't seen them. Then again they are  Ninja and  Kunoichi, so stealth is kinda their dealio. We have a plan." The second they pokes out their Ninja and  Kunoichi head out of their little Ninja and   Kunoichi hidey-holes..." Bam! Destory!" he roars," Do... not..."  phone rings and they screamed like little girls," Mr. Mcfist, your wife is on the line. Hey, sugarface! I'm a teensy bit busy here.  Of course. I'll meet you there, honeycakes." he slams the phone over and over again," How am I supposed to run an evil empire when my stepson keeps getting in trouble at school? Kids." Just get down to your lab and build me something deadly. Something dangerous. Something with  a cupholder! You know what? Forget the cupholder. Just make it deadly." Mm-hmm." Bell rings Howard humming licking the sauce and put it in his mouth," Hmm. Mhmm!" Cunningham, Ackerman. I know you guys are in the can, but if you guys don't want me to eat your tater lumps, just say so." Smoke bomb!" The Ninja and  Kunoichi said." Hello students." Tis us, The Ninja and  Kunoichi!" Finally yes! Ninja!  Kunoichi!  Hey, Cunningham Ackerman, the Ninja and Kunoichi just showed up."In these two days of school alone, Bash has given 66 wedgies, 32 swiriles, and a Chattananooga Gravy bowl. Is that even a real thing?" he showed it gasp." Sweet potatos." Oh, yeah!" Oh, Principle Slimovitz, I just don't understand my little Bashford would ever do anything like that.  Yeah, Ma, he's framing me!" he saw the wedgie on his hand and hides it," Hey! The Ninja and  Kunoichi in the Cafeteria! Ooh, the Ninja and Kunoichi! What say we take a fiver?" he run to see them," I'm escaping!" Oh, go on." If you don't destory the Ninja and Kunoichi now, it's all you'll talk about on the ride home." You know what? You're the best!" Mwah!" the phone was rining Viceroy sighs," McFist Industries, Evil  Genius Viceroy speaking." The Ninja and Kunoichi are at the school right now." Release the..." he stops." The thing!" His name is Krakenstein. Release the Krakenstien!" he shouts everybody looked at him." the Krakenstein roared," Go forth, my Karkenstien and destory the Ninja and Kunoichi!" he roared in his face," Well, she wears a lot of purple. And well he about ye high, red scarf, black suit. Maybe it's navy blue." he roars and breaks the walls," No, your right, it's black. You never wear red with navy blue." Now as a Ninja and Kunoichi, we must be prepared at any moment to do this, and this and how could we forget this?" You've  been great, everybody. See ya next time. Remember tip those lunch ladies."  Kunoichi stiffled a laugh and then when they about to smoke bomb Howard and alex got them by the leg," No. Ninja and Kunoichi, wait. My friends and I have been dying to meet you since we were kids." Please you guys just hang out until they get back?" Aw, that's really cool of you." But we can't. We must go." The Krakenstein pops up breaking the wall he roars and screams," Yes, destroy. Destroy!" Our first monster fight. So honkin' cool!" Ninja flip!" Monster, get ready to get..." they get hit by the wall," Eesh!" Cunningham, Ackerman, get back here. The Ninja and Kunoichi are  getting totally pwned." phone rings." We wouldn't say were getting pwned." they kicked him," Uh-oh" What?" Oh man, we are getting pwned." Ninja sprint!" We weren't hiding from you, if that's what you think." Ouch!" Kunoichi said." Now what?" Ninja sealed the door Randy and Viva slid and they crashed," Where have you two been?" We were  supposed to meet the Ninja and Kunoichi together." Man, but between you and me, they were kinda stankin' it up out there." Come on, Howard, Alex. We...uh... The Ninja and Kunoichi was trying to do there best, okay?" It's not like there are Instructions for being the Ninja and Kunoichi." The Instrurutions!" We need to use the bathroom!" -Hey ya Randy, Hey ya Viva." The Ninja- Kunoichi Nomicon's." Come on, baby, drop some secret Ninja and  Kunoichi knowledge on us." they were in the book they smashed in the wall," Believe in the wepon that's in the suit." Okay, what are in the suit's? We are in the suits. We are the wepons. We just have to believe in each other. " They got out of the book," See ya Randy, See ya Viva." Howard and Alex tripped them over," Whoa!" Hey perfect, you guys are back." We got some great news. Sorry Hoawrd and Alex, but we have to, um..." No, no. You two are going to stick around for this." Turns out the Ninja and Kunoichi couldn't beat that monster, so, he just locked it in a basement stall. So we let it out." You guys did what?"" The couple exclaimed." Yeah. Now, they gotta come back, and we can see them in action together." You want to thank us now or later, or how should we do this?" Where the heck what's- his-crack?" There he is!" My car!"Ninja and Kunoichi, courtesy of moi's." Who's the best friend's ever?" Huh? Are you kidding me?" Smoke bomb!" Red and Blue smoke appeared." Ninja! Kunoichi! Ninja Kunoichi!" We believe in us, we believe in us. We believe in us kicking your butt." they kicked him Ninja, block ninja block, ninja block, ninja block, ninja block, and ninja block." they did a blacflip," Who's getting pwned now?" Ninja Kunoichi! Ninja Kunoichi!" he woke up again," What?" Secret arm! That so Viceroy." We don't get it. We believe in eachother." What else could be in the suits?" they pulled out a sword," Ah. Believe in the wepon that is in the suit." Totally get now!" they sliced his two hands," That makes way more  sense." he groaned," Ready Kuno?" Always ready." Let's finish this." Ninja and Kunoichi cut him in slices," No!" Way dudes." That was awesome. Ha!" Smoke bomb! " they all chanting," smoke bomb!" Red and blue smoke they disappeared." Hey, Howard, Alex." Oh you guys think we some sort of chowder head?" We... don't know how to answer that." We know what you guys been up to." You guys do?" Yeah, first you guys are gone, Ninja and Kunoichi are here." and they gone, and now you guys here." We know your secret you two." Listen, wewanted to tell you two." Well, it's too late now." Yeah, we figure it all out." With our minds." This is such a relief." Yeah it is." It's been killing us that we couldn't tell you. We mean, sneaking off so you guys can have the bathroom all to yourself's everytime the Ninja and Kunoichi shows up. Wait, you guys the Ninja and Kunoichi? Our bestfriend's  the Ninja and Kunoichi! This is incredible! We gonna tell anyone. You guys can't tell anyone." Well, that's stinks." No, you guys, this stinks." Smoke bomb!" Oh, man. Those things smell like fart. You guys get used to it. You'd guys be surprise, you guys start liking it." 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 06 ⏰

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