Chapter 1: What a day

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It's been a rather stressful day for Hunter. Ever since his grandfather passed away, the family's all but fallen apart with grief. Admittedly, he felt the same way, but he knew crying about it wouldn't solve anything. He remembered his grandfather and all the stuff he would be taught. Ever since he was a little pup, he was taught so many neat little tricks only a wise old dog like his grandfather would know. And thanks to that, Hunter always had a strong bond with him, as his grandfather would always be the one to take care of him when his parents were away. And considering how their professions require them to travel frequently, grandfather and grandson had plenty of time together and memories to create. Which is why his passing hurt so much for Hunter.

He hadn't been able to sleep well since the news broke, leading to restless nights and subsequent exhaustion in the day, which greatly affected him in many aspects like in his social life. He was supposed to be going for a week long getaway with a group of friends he knew since high school. They had planned it for months, thinking of all the stuff they could do to make it the most memorable vacation ever. And when the day came, he didn't show up. They called him but he didn't answer. Because the grief and sorrow was too great.

Now that his grandfather's will had been sorted and plans for the funeral were made, Hunter could feel a bit more at ease. His grandfather would have a peaceful burial. He decided to walk back home, despite it being a bit of a long journey. His mother offered to take him back home, just as she picked him up, but he politely refused. He believed that a good walk could do some good and help to clear his head, especially with the crisp autumn winds arriving. It felt good against his fur as it gently moved with the flow of the wind.

However, in the latter half of his journey home, a sign caught his eye. It was a bar! And a rather recent addition, at that. He looked inside and was rather impressed with the place, especially with how it was renovated from what it was beforehand. He remembered it being a rundown arcade he would go to with his friends when they were cubs. Up until it was shut down, much to their sadness. A small smile grew on his face as the joyful memories filled his mind. Looks like the walk home was a good idea after all! "Should I go in?" Hunter asked himself in a gentle voice. It took a few moments for him to decide. "It'd only be one drink. I'm not exactly in the mood to get blasted drunk". He opened the door after making his decision, feeling a sudden rush of warm air and cheers from the customers already inside. It certainly was a friendly atmosphere

Hunter looked towards the bar, hoping there was a seat empty that he could take. He wasn't planning to be here long after all. As he walked in and began to look around, he was greeted by many warm smiles and joyful faces. He would greet them in turn before looking towards the bar, seeing a couple of customers already drunk, and seemingly wanting to be more "handsy" with the bartender. He heard a rather powerful female voice directed towards the drunks, along with a rather painful sounding slap to one of the drunk customer's cheek. "Hands off, bucko! Or I'll throw your ass out myself with a lot more of ya hurting than just ya cheek!" She shouted, causing Hunter to wince slightly as the two drunks stumbled past him and out of the building

Hunter sat down at the bar, watching as they left. "Whatcha havin', sweetheart?" The same bartender asked him. "I'll just have a beer, nothing too spe-" he began to speak as he turned from the door and to the bartender. But once he lay eyes on her, it felt like his breath was taken away. She was a bunny girl, her long ears drooped in a relaxed position as her nose twitched. And she was absolutely beautiful. Everything about her was beautiful, from the soft hue of her blue eyes to the fluffiness of her fur. He was just too stunned to speak. She couldn't help but giggle at how flustered he was. And she must admit, the blush on his face made him look so adorable. "Name's Minni, sweetheart. Gotta admit, I'm flattered that I'm able to take your breath away like that" she told him with a smile.

Hunter managed to compose himself enough to speak back to her, although he was still struggling to get his words out. "Y-yeah, sorry f-for staring. Y-you just.... Wow" he stuttered out through his fluster. Minni's tail began to wag behind her, feeling a weird sense of want towards him. He was a charmer, he was kind, he was terrible with women. She got him a bottle of the beer he requested as well as a note. "Open it when you leave, Hunter" she told him with a wink before returning to her job

Hunter quickly drank his beer and left the building, curious to see what could be on it and why she told him to leave before opening it. But once he did, it all made sense. She actually gave him her phone number! Along with a message written alongside it? It read "I clock off at 10. Text me then ;)". Hunter found himself blushing once again, a smile growing on his face. His tail began to wag excitedly behind him, his hands beginning to shake from the sheer joy he felt in his chest. He made his way back home, quickly adding her contact to his phone and sitting down. It was 7:45pm. He had to wait a little while. But for the first time in a long while...

He felt truly happy

A/N: And so it begins. I have MANY plans for this lovely couple going forward, and I'm pretty Damn excited to get it going. Let me know what you thought! Catch ya later!

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