Chapter 3: The beginning of something beautiful

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It was now 9:53pm. Only 7 minutes until Minni would finish her shift. 7 minutes. The longest 7 minutes of Hunter's life. He couldn't keep his focus on the TV any longer, anxiously watching as the hands of the clocked ticked and moved with every second passed. Hunter's tail was wagging behind him, constantly thumping against the cushions behind him whilst his heart was hammering in his chest. Tick. Tick. Tick. The clock merely continued with its intended design, making time march on. "Come on.... Come on...." Hunter mumbled to himself, getting visibly irritated at how much of a crawl time seemed to be. As it he was being toyed with or mocked by causing him to wait even longer for what he truly desired

Tick. Tick. Tick. The clock continued to tick on, each second beginning to feel like pure, agonising hours. Hunter stood up, deciding to try and calm his nerves with a refreshing beverage! Only problem is, he has no clue what he's got in his fridge. Personally, he was craving a simple glass of orange juice. But he can't remember the last time he had that and there'd be no chance of getting more tonight since most stores are probably closed. And if they weren't? Well, he was way to anxious to drive there. He opened the fridge and was greeted by a.... Regretful sight. His fridge was filled with various cans and bottles of different brands of beers and other alcohols. A reminder of his brilliant idea of trying to drown the sorrow and grief of loss with cheap alcohol, which ended with him in a drunken, sobbing mess. Never again....

He sifted through the seemingly endless sea of bottles and cans that resided within, trying to find anything that didn't possess alcohol. But there was nothing, to his surprise. "Wow.... I didn't realise how far I went with that idea.... Water it is then" he concluded, closing the fridge door. He opened a cabinet that held all his glasses, grabbing one of his personal favourites. It was a birthday present from his mother. A finely crafted glass lined with stunning patterns and even had his name engraved in it. He smiled softly as he inspected the glass, so grateful of the thought and love that came into the gift. The cabinet door shut and Hunter turned around, turning on the tap over the sink. The water flowed for a few moments as he allowed it to cool, desiring a cold and crisp glass to enjoy as he waited. The glass was filled and the tap was turned off

Hunter returned to the living room as he took a sip of the cold water, letting out a sigh of relief as he savoured the cool taste. He placed the glass down as he looked at the time.... Only to see it's hit 10pm. His eyes widened, as well as a smile that creeped onto a face with the realisation. His tail began to wag again, even faster this time as he began to laugh and cheer almost maniacally. This was his chance! His chance at such a wonderful feeling! A chance of falling in love with this beautiful woman! He grabbed his phone, letting the time march on for just a couple more minutes just so he didn't come off as too weird. Y'know, calling the exact moment it switched to 10pm. Hunter pulled up the contacts on his phone, scrolling down until he saw it. Minni.... He took a deep breath as he pressed on the contact and selected the option to call. "Come on, Hunter. You got this. Just keep calm and don't screw it up" he talked to himself in an attempt to motivate himself

It began to ring, and he could already feel his heart rate rising. It hammered in his chest, causing his free hand to more tightly grip the arm of his sofa. "Come on, Hunter! Calm down! You're gonna mess this up!" He chastised himself as the phone continued to ring. He breathed in and out slowly to try and calm himself down. And it worked!... somewhat. His heart finally began to settle. That was until the phone stopped ringing and that beautiful voice could be heard. "Yello? Minni here!" The voice spoke with such a sweet softness that she effortlessly spoke. With one more deep breath, Hunter began to speak. "H-Heya Minni. It's Hunter.... Y'know, the dog from the bar? You gave me your number earlier?" He specified to her. He didn't expect the gasp from the other end, nor the sudden excitement in her voice. "Oh my god, hey Hunter! I didn't expect you to actually call! I was honestly thinking you'd have just tossed my number away as soon as you left!" She spoke happily. Wait, she thought he'd do that?! "W-why would I do that?" He asked her, feeling slightly hurt that she'd think he would do such a thing. "I dunno.... Just bein' silly I guess. I ain't afraid to admit that you're a real cute guy. You're handsome, but it's how you act that drew me in. You're just.... Polite and friendly. And you don't try to put on a tough guy act or anythin'.... God, sorry, I'm ramblin' again" she laughed. But Hunter was just stunned. He felt a deep burning blush on his face as he listened to those touching words.

After a few moments, he began to speak, now feeling so much more attracted to her. Desire began to swell in his chest. He wanted to be with her. "N-No no, it's fine. Thank you for that. You have no idea how nice it was to hear those kind things from you. Especially with how you make me feel. Just something about how carefree you act. You aren't afraid to say what's on your mind and you won't think twice about busting someone's jaw if they deserved it. But.... Ah, screw it. Minni? Do.... You wanna do a date or something?" He asked her sheepishly. The answer he would receive would bring forth such a powerful sense of happiness that he had not felt in so long. "I'd love to, Hunter. And I can't wait to see you again" she told him, blushing just as much as he was.

"Holy shit.... Holy shit!" Hunter laughed in joyful disbelief before he continued speaking "Ok! Where do ya wanna go, what do ya wanna do?". She thought about it for a few moments before speaking. She never was a fan of those fancy restaurants. Too fancy and full of snobs who think they're better than everyone else. She just wanted it to be them and them alone. Nobody to bother them~. "I just wanna do simple. No people, just us. How about over your place~?" She suggested. The way she said that sent shivers down his back. And he loved it! "S-sounds like a plan! When do ya wanna do it?" He asked her. "Tomorrow. I don't have a shift tomorrow but I'm out for a bit of shopping with my Ma. I'll try and find something nice to wear for when I visit!" She smiled softly as she told him. "Sounds like a plan. And I'll do some homemade recipes for cooking! Trust me, the stuff I learned from my Mom and Grandma are to die for! And I'll make sure to send you my address. Unless you want me to pick you up?" He offered her. Minni was already getting excited at the thought of him! Well-mannered, pretty boy. And he can cook something fierce! "I'll see you tomorrow at 7! And there's no need. I'm sure Ma wouldn't mind dropping me off at yours. See ya then, sweetie~" she teased him with that lustful tone before she hung up

Hunter just sat there for a few moments, staring at his phone screen as it went to standby mode. A smile slowly grew on his face, along with a rising desire. The smile widened and his breathing went quicker, starting to laugh with joy. After a few moments, he let out a joyous yell that was filled with pure happiness. "Holy shit! HOLY SHIT!" He screamed out before laughing once again. Safe to say tomorrow was suddenly booked up! He was going to use tomorrow to clean his home from top to bottom as well as prepare the meals she would be treated to. He wanted to prove he truly wanted this. He had to show how serious he was about her. He loved her, and this was his chance to show it.

A/N: There's the third chapter for ya'll folks! Apologise for the short hiatus, I admittedly was too busy with work and getting back to Uni. But chapter 4 shall be here sooner! Until then, catch ya later!

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