Chapter 2: Waiting's the worst part

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Hunter sat there in the quiet of his home, trying to think of anything he could do to distract him so time can move faster that the painfully slow crawl it was right now. But what could he do? Or rather what could he do that would actually keep his focus off the time? He looked around for any ideas, turning to his various possessions surrounding him. Across the room from him was his computer. So many hours dedicated to this one computer. The games he played, the projects he created, the laughs he shared with his friends through it. That was tempting. But problem was, there was nothing on there to do and he was admittedly too bored to play any games on it. So that was out of the question

Next he turned to his bookshelf, holding many different books from many different authors with a variety of genres. Fantasy books, crime novels, autobiographies of his favourite actors, you name it. Hunter's always enjoyed the simple pleasure of reading a book. He always found the quiet whenever he would read to be such a pleasant experience that couldn't be beaten by anything. Unfortunately, that wouldn't be a possibility either. With his level of excitement, not even the most imaginative fantasy book could pull his attention away from the clock

There was also the TV downstairs. There were so many shows he had been meaning to catch up on! And right now would be the perfect time to do just that! Although, maybe it would be a good idea to get a shower first. As well as something to eat. His stomach grumbled, further cementing this idea as the final decision. "Alright, shower first, then food.... Ah crap, what do I have to eat?" He asked himself. Out of one thought process and right into another. "Eh, I'll see how I feel after the shower" he shrugged, beginning to undress as he walked to the bathroom. He pulled off the tight shirt he wore as it brushed over his abs and chest, freeing the fur trapped underneath. "God, that feels so much better" he sighed in relief, dropping the shirt on the floor before unbuckling the belt on his jeans and pulling them off too. Then his socks, and finally his underwear. The water from the shower turned on and he stepped inside. Over the next few minutes, music played from his personal playlist on his phone as he cleaned all over. He even made sure to use a special shower gel that made his fur as soft as cotton and smell like cinnamon! A gift from his mother provided specifically from the hair salon she goes to! The ladies highly recommended it, and he was glad he started using it. Real high quality stuff!

Hunter exited the bathroom, his fur a little damp and a towel wrapped around his waist as well as a smaller one resting over his neck. He walked downstairs, feeling rather relaxed as he made his way towards the kitchen through the living room. The TV was turned on as Hunter scrolled through the various shows he had neglected recently. He stopped on one: Invincible. This was a personal favourite of his. This'll do. The show was started as he then entered his kitchen, determined to make something truly delicious. And he knew just the one: his grandma's famous meatloaf. She even gave him a copy of the recipe when he asked for it! He followed every step of the recipe with impressive focus and detail. With his grandma, everything had to be perfect for the greatest taste. He had practiced before many times. And whilst they were delicious, he knew they could be better. His ultimate goal was to match the brilliant taste of his childhood and make his grandma proud

Soon, the meatloaf was all prepared. And all that was left was to cook it. And that also needed to be cooked perfectly. Cooked at 350*F for 37 minutes and 14 seconds exactly. Hunter waited for the oven to be fully heated before placing it inside and setting the timer. He was determined to get it perfectly this time. Every failure before helped to refine his process. Every ingredient he didn't measure properly, every time he was either too early or too late to take it out of the oven, it all helped him get closer to the perfect meatloaf

Once he was satisfied with his work so far, he returned to the living room. A pair of loose fitting shorts and a loose shirt awaited him, hanging over the armrest on the couch. Hunter made sure he was dry before he put on the clothes, letting out a sigh of relief at finally feeling so comfy. He sat down on the couch and began to watch, the timer ticking down

About half an hour would pass and Hunter had just finished an episode. Hunter checked his phone to check the timer, but ended up seeing the clock. 8:42?  The time's getting closer! His excitement was flaring up again, his tail wagging uncontrollably and patting against the couch. His heart began to hammer in his chest, his breathing becoming quicker and a wide smile on his face. He looked at the timer, seeing it near its end. Here we go. He got up, doing his best to keep his excitement in check as he prepared himself for just the perfect timing. The oven mitts are on and he hunched over, ready to get it out the very moment the alarm rang. It took a few more moments, but his phone began to vibrate and the alarm rang! He opened the oven and pulled it out, delicately placing it on the stove top before slamming the oven door shut!

He did it.... This could very well be it! He may have finally replicated Grandma Edith's meatloaf perfectly! He gave it a couple of minutes to cool down before taking a fork and having a bite.... To his disappointment. He knew it was all there. He was so close. But something's missing.... He'll figure it out soon. He knew everything was perfectly done. So he concluded that something else entirely was missing. A secret ingredient it seems. Hunter took the meatloaf back to the living room and continued watching his show, all the while the time ticked ever closer and closer to 10pm: the beginning of the best thing that had ever happened to him. He just didn't know it yet

A/N: and there we go with chapter 2! I felt to explore a little bit more of Hunter's backstory with this part since I want him to feel special. Don't worry, we'll get to the relationship kicking off VERY soon. Until then, catch ya later!

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