Chapter 17. The professors are... confusing

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Monday morning, Amaryllis sat at the Hufflepuff table talking amongst the girl she roomed with and Ernie, who had become frequent in sitting next to them. He was more pleasant to talk with than Justin Finch-Fletchley who seemed to have a few choice words about what happened.

Amelia was looking over her shoulder, seeming to get uneasy. "Uh. Here comes Professor Sprout."

Amaryllis turned, seeing their Headmaster walk toward them with a piece of parchment in her hand.

"Ms. Potter. The other Professors and I discussed with Dumbledore and concluded that you will be taken out of flying lessons for the remainder of the year."

"W-" 'The sky is not a place for you.' What the voice said made no sense, and neither did the decision they made. "Why?"

Whispers from the other students sounded around her. How it wasn't fair that she got out of flying lessons and it was because she was Potter's sister and could get away with it. None of which made sense that Susan and Amelia rudely had spoken out against.

Professor Sprout tilted her head to the side as if wondering the same thing. "I wonder." It disappeared just as it had come as she continued. "Here is your new schedule for the year. If anyone has questions, they can take it up with Dumbledore since he approved this. We'd rather not see you struck by lightning again, Ms. Potter. I will see you in Herbology."

Professor Sprout abruptly walked away before Amaryllis could comprehend what had happened and stared down at the parchment in her hand. It was the same, except her flying lesson was replaced by Defense Against the Dark Arts.

"It could have been worse," Amelia said when she told them. "You could have potions with Snape."

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Charms and Herbology flew by quickly without many students coming up to ask how she was or to talk to her but be disappointed when they stared at her arm that she had covered up with a long-sleeved shirt.

Amelia had stuck beside her and Susan through those classes, striving up conversation with them and getting to know the muggle born witch better and how her family was dealing with the news of her being a witch. Amaryllis didn't know what that was like, as her aunt and uncle knew since the day they showed up on their doorstep, but it sure had come as a surprise to them.

"Welcome back, Ms. Potter. Glad to see you brought your presence to class again."

"I wa-"

"I know where you were, Ms. Potter. An unfortunate incident indeed. Though I hope to not see something fly across the room. Ms. Bones, I hope you are fit to help her out in classes from now on."

Amaryllis furrowed her brows at what Professor Snape suggested. "I don't n-"

Professor Snape didn't turn around and let his rough, gravely voice carry through the dungeons that made up their potions classroom. "To your seat, Ms. Potter. Class will begin."

Susan pulled her to their seats, mumbling about her constant need to banter with certain Professors. It wasn't that many, just two; Professor Snape and Professor Quirrel. Though she was beginning to question the others after that morning.

Professor Snape stood at the front, his black robes billowing out around him as he turned to face them. He gestured to the board with his wand, and the chalk began to write. "The directions are on the board, along with the ingredients. You have the remainder of class to brew the potion and I will grade it at the end. Don't blow anything up. We already had that last week."

Amaryllis had missed that?

"Who blew what up?"

"Neville, from Gryffindor. Snape had deducted fifty points from Gryffindor for it too."

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