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Chapter 32 The

three razor blade fruits relieved Sui Yi and Zhou Linlin’s immediate urgency, and they were not in a hurry to buy the remaining few. Sui Yi wanted to sell them until these batches of golden millet 23 were completely mature, and they could be picked up at that time. .

In the past two days, she has been taking care of the golden ear in the middle. As the maturity period of Golden Millet 23 approaches day by day, the golden ear becomes more and more plump, plump and cute, and can be seen at night. to the light golden streamer above.

But in the dream, she never saw the girl sitting under the tree next to the cliff. Sui Yi sometimes wondered, what is this girl so melancholy about? If it can make her happier, will this Golden Millet 23 also undergo the same changes as the Blade Fruit?

It was night, Zhou Linlin had sold out the third to last blade fruit, and the two of them sat in the yard assembling furniture.

A batch of the things I bought before have been delivered, and now the bedroom for the two of them is no longer as simple as it was at first. There is not only a bed and a wardrobe, but also a moisture-proof blanket on the floor.

Now that the rainy season has arrived in the Northern League, it is wet most of the day, which makes Zhou Linlin, who has lived in the Central League for a long time, very uncomfortable, so they bought two moisture-proof blankets.

Since the rainy season began, many villagers have walked more frequently to their yards, fearing that the rain would knock off the ears of Jinsu 23 and damage the roots.

Sui Yi is not worried. Although Jinsu 23 is grown in dry land, its derivatives can also be grown in paddy fields. The derivatives are derived from Jinsu 23. Although she has not participated in the research on the derivatives, she still knows the basic principles. , so the seeds of Golden Millet 23 were planted at this time.

If we had planted taro 64 back then, we would probably be unable to bear the rain now.

Sui Yi also finally realized how important the farming seasons recorded in ancient books are. What should be planted at what time, according to the laws of nature. Although she does not follow this all now, she will mostly check the time. , in order to better determine the growth status of the plant.

Like the Northern Alliance, it will snow in November, and many plants in the yard will be affected by then. So she has to make enough money to build a specific shanty before it snows in the Northern Alliance.

These shanties are different from those used by super seeds, which are used to allow seeds to germinate and grow better. What Sui Yi wants to build is just a protective shed to prevent the plants from being buried by too much snow.

Of course, what Sui Yi wanted to protect was not a piece of seed, but the two special golden plants in the yard. After all, except for these two, the others were ordinary super seeds. Even if one generation of seeds is left alone, it will wither and decay at a certain time. This is the disadvantage of one generation of seeds.

Sui Yi couldn't change these, but she could completely protect those two golden plants. Nowadays, it doesn't look so conspicuous if it is slightly blocked, but when everything has declined, they still bloom brilliantly, which is really strange.

So she had to collect enough money to buy a small shed before those golden millets decayed. Of course, it's not just the money to buy the shed but also the money to repair the wall. After all, it's not good for the yard to be so exposed all the time.

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