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AN Welcome to my story I hope you enjoy your time here. Please feel free to critique grammar, spelling, correctness all that jazz I am always open to constructive criticism. This is set after HoO and Age of Ultron except Pietro's alive (fight me) and we have Peter🤗. I don't know everyone exact ages so that's up to your interpretation. Only I have proof read this because I don't trust anyone to do it for me🤪. PERCY JACKSON AND MARVEL DO NOT BELONG TO ME. Only the plot which I have taken inspiration from other similar fics. HAPPY READING


Percy's POV

Sally Jackson and Paul Blofis had gone on a three month holiday. Without me. Annabeth was working on Olympus, so I Percy Jackson was at home all alone. For three months. I couldn't go to camp because I had to watch the house while my mom and Paul were gone. Everything was going fine... until someone called the cops on me. It sounds bad, but I've been in worse situations.

That led me to my current situation. I was sitting in a steel room waiting for " Officer Jones " to come back because apparently, " a sixteen year old can not be living by themselves." After going through the whole process of them asking.
"Do I have any other family I can go to?"
"Any close family friends"
Cue awkward silence, then
" I'll be right back,"
I was praying to every god (except Hera) that the officer would come back and say
" Well, since you have nowhere to go, we're going to allow you to return to your home and check on you every week,"
Unfortunately, that didn't happen

Officer Jones came back with a triumphant smirk
"We had to do some digging, but we found an uncle that you might be able to stay with
Flashes of Hades and Zues swam through my mind, and I swallowed hard.
"Uncle?" I questioned my voice shaking.
"Yes, it turns out your mother was adopted at birth and has a twin brother. You'll definitely know him,"
The last comment made my hand creep further into my pocket, my hand grasping around around Riptide. They continued.
"Turns out your uncle is the famous Tony Stark"

I suppose they expected to flip out or something, but I was just kinda confused. I hadn't kept up with "mortal affairs." You can't blame me. I was pretty tired after you know defeating Kronos.. then Gaia then had to rebuild Camp Half-Blood and Camp Jupiter, then stabilising the relationship between the two camps. I've been pretty stacked since I was TWELVE!

Anyways, Officer Jones continued on
" Don't tell me you don't know who Tony Stark is he and the AVENGERS literally saved the entirety of New York from ALIENS SUMMONED BY THE NORSE GOD LOKI"
I was still confused and had no clue who this " Tony Stark" and the " Invangibles" are. I just shrugged. In return, I got an incredulous look.
"I've been busy?" I said sheepishly
Officer Jones's just stared.
" W-we've contacted him, and he's said he's happy to house you until your parents return, and he will be here to collect you shortly.

Turns out, I have a famous uncle, and I'm being forced to stay with him until my parents' return gods help me.

Tony's POV

So it turns out I have a twin sister and a nephew called Persues Jackson, who I'm going to now pick up from the police station and take back to the tower. I did some digging on the kid, and well, his record is unreal. Six schools in as many years. He got kidnapped with two other kids when they were twelve and taken across the country, then had a gun fight with their kidnapper. It goes missing every single summer. Went missing for 6 months, then appeared in Rome and Greece with no customs paperwork and blew stuff up. Dam.

I walked unto the station and flashed everyone my award winning paparazzi smile. In the waiting room sat a tanned boy with messy black hair and unsettling sea green eyes. Baggy jeans paired with a light blue hoodie and a cheeky smile made him look like the exact type of kid that would have their own seat in the principals office.

3 Months. (Percy Jackson x Marvel)Where stories live. Discover now