day two

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black. all black. every direction is black. there's noting, just darkness. it feels suffocating. wait no it is suffocating. I cant breath. I cant breath. I cant breath! I CANT BREATH! NONONONONONONONO!!!!!!!!! WHY CANT I BREATH. WHY CANT I BREATH.

the floor. its coming twords me. no I'm coming twords the floor. I should of hit it by now. still nothing. I'm gaining speed. in falling. fast. very fast. wait there's light.

its getting bigger. its the floor. its getting closer. its right there.

right when I was about to hit the floor I woke up. I sat up at the speed of light. I'm panting and my chest feel heavy. I calm down my breathing. 'a god damn nightmare' is my first thought once I've registered where I am. in my dorm room in UN's boarding school. I'm ok. I'm not in danger anymore.

I get out of bed and slip on my slippers and go to take a shower. right before I look at the alarm clock on my desk. its 5:36am. way to early to be awake but I know I'm not going back to sleep anytime soon. I turn on th eshower ond hop in when th ewaters at a good temperature. I take a nice long shower to help wash away my tention.

when I get out I dry myself off and blow-dry my hair and walk out of the bathroom and to my room to get changed for the day. today I'm wearing black jean shorts that had raccoons embroidered on the back pockets. a graphic t-shirt with three raccoons in a tranch coat and a letterman jacket that was soft browns and had a raccoon instead of the usual letters. I check the time again. only 7am. I dont have class for two hours what the hell am I supose to do.

I grab my sunglasses and put them on and a matching beanie to help keep my hair out of my face and some accessory's as well. i sit down on the small living room area in my dorm and turn on th etv and try and find a good show to watch but i cant find one so i turn the tv off instead and put on my red convers and put my phone in my pockets an dgrabed my school bag. duble checking that everything was in there that i would need. i head out of my dorm once i know i have everything i need and lock the door behind me and put the keys away. i roam the halls trying to kill the extra time i had before class.

i end up seeing america and Canada sitting at a table playing cards at the group hangout spot in the school. 'those two are always together out side of classes' i think as i walk up to them.

"hey mind if i join" i ask as i sit down at the table there at.

"oh yeah sure. and if you dont mind me asking what are you doing up so early" Canada replies.

i shrug as if im being honest i have no idea. Canada looks up from his cards at me. when he does im hit with the relisation i havent put on conceiler so my awful eye bags are right on display. i dont say anything incase he didnt notice.

"bro you look like youve never slept in your life" america put down his cards as Canada did.

"yeah im painfully aware of that" i say as im to tired to try and hide my normaly sarcastic talk.

"did you sleep at all" Canada asks next as he shuffles the cards and deals them to him and america.

"yeah i did actually. there just genetic i think" i say as i lean back in my chair and watch them play as i pull out my phone to look at the time.

7:20am. 'well shit' its going to take forever for class to start. i grab a energy drink from my bag thats from my country so its written in Cacolaco. i crack it open and take a sip from it. it tastes like cotton candy but also battery acid. a taste i for some reason liked.

"wow what's that dude?" America pointed to my energy drink.

"its a energy drink. why?" i take a look at the can to see if anything looked abnormal about it.

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