(xi). i didn't have it in myself to go with grace

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"I have a plan," Beetee repeated as everyone gathered around. Katniss, Peeta and Johanna were sitting in the sand with him while Malia and Finnick were leaning up against opposing sides of the same tree. "Where do the Careers feel the safest? The jungle?"

    "The jungle's a nightmare," Johanna states.

    "Probably here on the beach," Peeta answers.

    "Then why are they not here?" Beetee asks.

    "Because we are," Malia replies.

    "Yeah, we've claimed it," Johanna adds.

    "And if we left, they would come, right?" Beetee asks.

    "I guess?" Malia responds.

    "Or stay hidden in the treeline," Finnick says.

    "Which in just over four hours will be soaked with water from the ten o'clock wave," Beetee explains. "And what happens at midnight?"

    "Lightning strikes that tree," Katniss answers.

    "Here's what I propose," Beetee says. "We leave the beach at dusk. We head to that tree. That should draw them back to the beach. Prior to midnight we then run this wire from the tree to the water. Anyone in the water or on the damp sand will be electrocuted."

    "How do we know the wire isn't going to burn up?" Malia asks.

    "Because I invented it," Beetee replies. "I assure you, it won't burn up."

    The alliance looked at each other, almost as if they were deciding whether or not to go through with Beetee's plan. It sounded insane and could end badly, but what other choice do they have?

    "Even if that is the case," Malia continues. "Gloss is dead. Brutus and Enobaria are cautious now. There's six of us and only two of them, there's a slight chance us leaving won't draw them out."

    "She's got a point," Finnick says, earning a small smile from Malia.

    "However," Malia continues. "It is a better idea compared to hunting them down."

    "Yeah, why not?" Katniss asks. "If it fails, no harm done anyways, right?"

    "Alright, I say we try it," Peeta says.

"What can we do to help?" Finnick asks.

    "Well, keep me alive for the next six hours," Beetee tells him. "That would be extremely helpful."

    Finnick turns to look at Malia, her eyes fixated on his own as a knowing look passes between them.


    Jake watches the interaction from the sponsor room screen, his arms crossed as he watches the alliance go their separate ways on the beach to do their own thing as they wait for six hours to go by.

    He watches as Finnick grabs hold of Malia's hands, twirling her around before pressing another kiss to her lips.

    "About fucking time," Jake chuckles.

    "Griffin," Haymitch calls, waving him over to his screen.

    Jake spares one last look at a laughing Malia before he walks over to where Haymitch stood, fixing the cuffs on his jacket as he did so.

    "Sup?" Jake asks.

    "Grab your shit," Haymitch tells him, quietly. "We move in for the extraction at midnight."

    "I was thinking of taking a trip to the districts," Jake says. "There's six hours until midnight, I'll have enough time to take two trips, grab a few things, and get back here in time to board the hovercraft."

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