(xix). as long as i'm here, no one can hurt you

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Finnick's father is on the floor in an instant, a fist had collided with his jaw and he was knocked to the ground. He lets out a groan as he hits the floor and he raises his hands in surrender when he feels the cold blade of a knife being pressed up against his throat.

"Woah woah woah," He cries out, raising his hands in the air. "I'm not going to hurt anyone!"

"Bullshit," Malia seethes. She's about to draw a bit of blood when she's hurled off of him by Gale. "Let go of me!"

"Get your hands off of her!" Jake exclaims. He takes Malia from Gale and sets her back down on her own two feet.

"Ew, I touched it," Jake states, glaring at Gale before pulling out a switchblade and begins to clean under his nails with it.

Malia snickered slightly before she glared at Gale.

Finnick's father was still on the ground, his hand on his jaw.

"You okay?" Malia asks, looking at Finnick.

He was breathing heavily, his eyes not once leaving his father's face on the ground. He hadn't even moved when Malia lunged at his father– he was in shock.

"O'Dair, help your father up," Boggs tells him. "Everyone else, we move out in ten."

The squad went their own separate ways and Malia walked up to Finnick. She watches as he walks over to his father on the ground and he extends a hand out to him. His father takes it and Finnick helps him to his feet.

"Thank you," He tells him.

"I didn't do it for you," Finnick grumbles. He turns to walk back towards Malia when he stops in his tracks when his father speaks.

"A wedding ring, that's nice," His father states. His eyes drift towards the matching paper band on Malia's finger and he snorts slightly. "So you managed to marry the girl after all, huh? She's got quite the right hook."

Finnick ignores him and Malia threads her fingers through Finnick's before leading him away from his father. But that didn't stop his father from continuing to speak.

"I can't wait to meet my grandbaby," his father says with a big grin.

Finnick spins around and closes the gap between him and his father, grabbing hold of his collar and pulling him in, their faces inches apart.

"Let's get one thing straight," Finnick seethes. "You are to stay the fuck away from my wife and kid, got it? You are not a grandfather– not now, not ever. You weren't even a father so this is not a so-called father-son bonding time, we have a job to do. A war to end. You might have forgotten about that night but I haven't so stay the fuck away from my family."

"I haven't forgotten that night," his father tells him. "I could've stopped it."

"But you didn't," Finnick growls. "You had the choice to do something right for once in your life and you let her–"

Finnick stops himself, his father's words finally registering and his grip on his father's shirt tightened as his jaw clenched and his nostrils flared.

"You knew Hendricks did that to her?" Finnick asked.

"I was the head of security, of course I knew," his father replied.

"Head of security?" Finnick chuckles bitterly. "So you knew about Snow selling us? You knew, and you did nothing?"

"It wasn't my business," his father replied.

"Wasn't your business!!?" Finnick asks. "I was your son! You were supposed to make it your business!"

"When your mom left, I didn't care about anything," his father tells him.

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