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Am i too attached? Am i going crazy because im not having sex? "Yn?" You looked over at Jo who looked a bit annoyed.

"Yeh?" You said rubbing your eyes, you had spent the last day thinking about your little name calling.

"Are you even listening?" She crossed her arms, pouting her lips.

"Yeh" you nodded taking a sip of your red bull.

"Are you okay?" She leaned in, more concerned now. You could tell she had her detective hat on.

"Just my mind has been running, just wanna go home" you shrugged.

"Liar" she said with a a-ha voice.

"Are you thinking about the British boy?" She wiggled her eyebrows, seening she had figured it out.

"No" you denied, your cheeks felt hot. If she was mind reader she would definitely not approve of the things you were thinking.

"Well ill give you a nother British boy to think about" she turned her computer.

"The team sent this, it's the prada team, a campaign shoot" she got up, and dragged her chair closer to me.

"I don't see a British boy"

"Louis partridge, is gonna be there" you leaned back, a proud face.

"Shit, you kidding? That's like crazy, prada?" You said reading the email.

"Yeh, but the time is a bit off" her clenched her teeth.

"What?" You sighed putting your fore head to the table.

"If you want to make to home before Christmas we can't do it"

"Okay that's not good, when is it?" You nervously smiled.

"It's on the 22nd Friday, two days after the saltburn set finishes, you said your gonna buy gifts on 23rd, 24 you fly out" she said pulling out the calendar.

"Then, the prada team wants to meet up a day before the shoot on 21st, to talk about the shoot, it probably take 3 hours"

"Okay" you said getting up, you walled around the room, and stood in front of the window.

The city night was peaceful.

"Okay, ask them if the meeting can be done remotely, if not tell them I want the meeting early at 6am" you said biting your nail.

"Okay, got it" she said typing on her computer.

"Then, cancel the ticket to new york for 19th, I'm gonna do Christmas shopping here on the 20th, 21st I do the meeting and finish the Christmas shopping" you rubbed your face frustrated.

"Yeh okay, do you wanna sit?" Jo said looking up her computer.

"Also talk to the hotel, extend the stay" you turned around.

"Yeh I will" you nodded.

You hummed a sigh as you tried to plan every thing out. You learned that when kts all planned its better so it doesn't get messy.

"Tell the new york team to go on break on 23rd" you sighed "and please book a ticket for the 24th to home" you nodded your head.

"And book one ticket for 22nd night for you to fly back to Washington" you said letting out a breath.

"22nd?" She looked up, "that's early break" she said sounding worried. "Yeh get home early, feel the Christmas vibes" you smiled.

"Then yeh, I have nothing from Christmas till February right?" You sighed.

"Yeh, maybe that'll change but actually to March I think" she smiled.

"My ears have been blessed" you said skissing her cheek.

"Okay imma be out, I need to shower" you said leaving her room.

You walked a fee steps down your room, you got in and pulled out your phone.

"I can't meet until January" you clicked send. You smiled as he immediately saw the message.

But you put your phone down before you read his reply. "Fuck I wanna see you oakly" you whispered as you left your phone on the counter.

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