My best friends lover

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Maya's P.O.V
Lucas was staring at me. So were Riley and Farkle. I can't believe I just said that.
"tell me what's bothering you maya"
" nope"
"No, Riley"
" ok fine do you really want to know?"
"I like Lucas "

(That afternoon)
Lucas's Phone
Maya: hey Ranger Rick
Me: hey
Maya: so about today...😐
Maya: so, um, sorry
Me: uh Maya
Maya: yeah?
Me: I like you too
(The next day)
Riley's P.o.v
"You like who now?"
" well your stupid!!"
"Say what now??"
" you heard me, now go away"
"You can't tell me what to do"
"GO NOW, Lucas!!!!!"

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