The dance (part 2)

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Riley's P.O.V
Now that I've asked Farkle to the dance, my plan was almost complete. It's really clear that I'm really just USING Farkle. I am gonna win Lucas back and no one can stop me!! I know, you're probably wondering why I would do such a thing. Well, the answer is, BECAUSE I CAN!!!😈
Lucas P.O.V
Everything was going fine in my life was going fine until I got a call from Riley. I reluctantly picked up the phone and heard a strong, "hello?"
"Uh hi" I said. "Don't 'hi' me" she said back. " Listen truth or dare?" This was NOT making any sense whatsoever. " truth or dare?!?!" She said louder. "Uh, dare?" "okay, I dare you to never see Maya again." And then she hung up.
(At the dance)
Riley's P.O.V
My plan was going awesome! Not only did I truth-or-dare-call Lucas, but I called Maya and Farkle just for fun. Lucas was sitting down at a table all alone. Perfect time to win him back, right? WRONG!!!😜 My plan wasn't finished yet, silly.
Maya P.O.V
Lucas was sitting alone at a table that was supposed to be ours if That dumb and stupid Riley hadn't called all of us with a Truth or dare call. What an imbecile! So anyway I walked up to Lucas.
Anonymous P.O.V
I was looking at Maya and Lucas the whole time they were talking.
Lucas's P.O.V
Maya and I were in the hallway. " listen Maya, really sorry about what happen-". All of sudden she kissed me. So of course, I kissed back. It was going great until I heard a sharp, "What the heck?!?" It was-

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