With you

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Lucas POV
In a flash, Maya was on the floor. I looked behind the couch. No one. All I saw was the door. Wide open.
Riley's POV
I was walking to Lucas's house to spy on them when I heard a loud, BOOM!
I started to run to his house. Faster. Faster. Faster. I kept running until I got to his house. and that's when I saw Maya on the floor. Dead.
Lucas's POV
I picked up my phone and called 911. Riley came in and screamed, "WHAT DID YOU DO TO HER?!?!"Before I could answer, she snatched my phone away from me.
Riley's POV
"Hello?911? Yes! Uh listen my best friend is DEAD! Well at least she looks like she is! What? No this is not a prank! Are you even listening to me? Hello? Hello? Urgh!! Imbeciles!!"
But luckily an ambulance showed up about 2 minutes later.
(At the hospital)
"Maya? Maya? Please wake up! Listen, in sorry for everything I've done to you for these past weeks!! I'm so sorry! Just please Maya!! Wake up!!"
Maya's POV (yay, right?)
I woke up after a while. but I felt so dizzy that I just kept my eyes closed. That's when I heard someone talking. to me, I guess. "Maya, I'm so sorry for what I've done to you for these past weeks!! I'm so sorry! Just please maya. Wake up!!" It said.
Then I slowly opened my eyes. "Maya!! You're okay!" And then she grabbed me and pulled me close. I assumed she was trying to strangle me, so I pushed her away. "What's wrong?" She asked. I just stared blankly at her and said, "Who are you?"

Forever (a lucaya and riarkle story)Where stories live. Discover now