chapter 24

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I am currently being put on hold by the police department. I have noticed that have yet to be informed of my boyfriends court date, so I called him and he said he didn't know either and blah blah blah.

I'm sitting on the couch with my legs sprawled out on the other cushions with my legs crossed, patiently waiting for these slow ass fuckers to get back to me.

Don't get me wrong, I respect cops mire than I respect the sun but good lord our police department don't care about anything. They are literally only cops for the money. And to be honest, I don't know how cops do it. I'd loose my shit if someone ran from me.

The music blasting from my phone finally stopped and I heard a female voice come through.

"Hello, this is Malachi Bates I am speaking to, correct?" The beam feminine voice came from the other side.


"Okay, so what seems to be the problem?"

"Uh, im calling because Maverick Anthony Reed has not been informed of his court date and neither have I."

"Okay. Let me look his name up in our system.. Alrighty, so from what I'm seeing is there is multiple court dates booked this week, so he will not be able to go this week, but we can schedule next week?"

"Can we this weekend?"

"Unfortunately, we do not do weekends."

"Fuck. Well, I guess we'll schedule monday?"

"Sure thing! At what time? We have 8am 3pm 12pm and 5pm."


"Okay Mr. Bates! Your Judge will be Judge Gates."

"Okay. Have a good one."

I hung up before she could say anything else. It's a relief to know I'll see him soon, I just don't want a wait so long, you know?

Next step is to call Dutton and tell him the news. So, that's exactly what I did. Called Dutton and told him the news.

Long story short he came over immediately jumping up and down from excitement which was adorable especially because he was grinning ear to ear.

I looked down at him with joy in my eyes when he hugged me. I reached my hand into his hair and ruffled it, feeling his soft strands of hair run through my fingers gracefully.

"I'm so excited! I know it's only been a week but oh my gosh!" He screeched and hugged me tighter.

"Oh yeah, love. I know." I replied.

Maverick was going to get bailed out by Dad's members. They have enough money to do so, so they gave it to me. They trust Maverick with their lives and I know it, more than me. So I wasn't worried about how we were gonna get him out.

Even then, the bail bond was only 4000 bucks, so I could pay it off, but I have better shit to do with my money like spend it on Dutton, so I just asked the gang.

Dutton jumped on the couch and swiped the remote off of the coffee table like that one fox from Dora the explorer.

He clicked on Hulu and went straight to the horror section, he was looking under the thriller section before he found "Scream".

"The way I would let Billy do ANYTHING to me is just ughhh. Like I do not want to be murdered unless Billy is the one doing it." He moaned out. I just rolled my eyes, I have to admit, Skeet Ulrich is very attractive but I think Stu is better.

I watched as his face lit up when he saw blondie being stupid and answering the calls EVEN THOUGH she was getting threatened. Like tell me your a dumbass without telling me your a dumbass.

I watched him jump when Ghostface pops up on the screen, but he soon relaxes. His beautiful eyes dilated at the light radiating off of the television.

"Your so beautiful.." I mumbled to myself, but I wasn't the only one who heard that.

"Don't say shit like that!" Dutton's eyes widen at my comment as he attempts to hide his blushing face with his small hand. I laugh and keep watching him.

"C'mere." I tell him and pat the spot next to me. He was way to far away.

He scooted over, but he wasn't touching me, so me being me, I picked him up and dropped him closer to my side and he immediately clung on to my torso like a baby koala.

"Your so handsome, Mal." Dutton said as he looks up at me with his big brown eyes. My heart fluttered but I just chuckled and turned to the tv.

"Oh my goodness. I'm sorry, did i sound like a grandma?" He gasps.

"Pfft. What? No, I just don't know how to react when people compliment me." I retort

"Not even your grandma?"

"My grandma is dead, sweetheart." I chuckle. There was a awkward moment of silence before he finally spoke.

"Same, man. She would have been a hundred and three right now." He says in a fake apologetic tone.

I laugh cause what the hell to I say to that. I don't even know if I was supposed to laugh or if I was supposed to cry.

"But you really are handsome." He says looking up at me.

"And you really are beautiful. Like one of the most gorgeous people I've met. Your so perfect." I respond softly, reaching my hand up to his face to caress it and shortly after book his tiny button nose.

"Thank you.." He thanked me after looking at his fidgeting hands placed into his lap.

"Of course, angel." I reply as I wrap my arm around his shoulder and relax the muscles I didn't know were tense.

Man this kid does stuff to me.

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