chapter 28

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Before we start I just want to thank you guys for all the support. I love you guys and I never thought I would be here right now.


Jason came down the stairs with blood on his hands. I so desperately wanted to go make sure that they were okay, but I knew we needed time.

"Honestly bro, don't even beat yourself up over them. They aren't good for you. This is the second time I has to kick ass, and if I have to again, it will be worse." Jason said as he walks towards me and pats me on the back, then guiding me out of the door.

We made it home safely, but not without a lecture from my older brother about how I shouldn't have go back and how it's only going to be a matter of time until they hit me and blah blah blah.

Of course I know he's just worried, but I don't want his friendship with them over because of me. I know it was my fault I made Malachi that mad and that he yelled at me but I didn't want him to get hurt.

That's the thing about Jason. He holds grudges and resorts to violence. If someone talks shit about him he'll 'lay em' out'. He gets really pissed when it comes to our family.

I love Jason, though. No matter how protective or annoying. He's my big brother. He's my blood. And I love him. I honestly don't know what I would do with out him here.

I'm still pissed at Candice. She had no right to do what she did. She can't just take Malachi's baby away from him! Don't get me wrong, I get where she's coming from, but she wouldn't like if her kid was taken away from her!

I doubt that Mave and Mal have put Alahna in any danger. Sure, they are apart of a mafia, but I don't even think they mention her name. I hate to think that Mal wouldn't be able to see his baby girl again because of me.

It was still morning when we left to go home, but I felt tired so I stripped to my underwear and plopped myself in my bed. I sighed before I fell asleep.



I'm still I'm shock that Jason came in here to beat us up. Neither of us fought back, because for one, Jason is stronger than us, and two we deserved every bit of it.

We made Dutton cry for fucks sake. Malachi told Mr this wasn't the first beating he had gotten from Jason since I've been in jail. I ain't even surprised to say the least. He let's his anger issues get in the way and then he suffers the consequences.

Mal never meant to hurt Dutton. Mal just has a mind of his own when he's angry and Dutton.. is.. well.. Dutton.

I'm happy we learned that Dutton is as sensitive as he is. I know Mal will try harder in the future.

But what I'm concerned for is Alahna. She's just a baby, and she loves her dad. Way more than her mother I might add. And out of the two of her parents, I'd say that Candi has put her in more dangerous situations than Mal has.

I think of Alahna as my own. I love her as my own as well, and I would do anything for her. Even if it means that we have to stay apart for the time being. I know that would take a toll on Malachi's mental health, but we can't do anything about it unless we want to end up in prison.

I love Malachi, but I hate his anger. His anger gets so bad to the point he's hit me a couple of times. He's punched holes in the walls multiple times. And before you go 'oh well he's abusive' I know he's not. He can't handle his anger, and he's too scared to go to a psychiatrist about it.

Mal would do anything in the world for me, even if it means to has to distance himself so he doesn't hurt me again. Which I highly doubt he will.

I just want Dutton to understand that Mal has a hard time with his anger. He's lost friends and family because of it and all we can do is just sit here and comfort him. Dutton knows Mal is an amazing guy, but he definitely did not know he could yell like that.

Since we are dating now, we definitely need to talk this out and Dutton could then tell us how he feels about all of this. He doesn't get it yet, and that's okay. We'll be here every step of the way.

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