Chapter 5

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We had arrived in Jeddah late Monday afternoon. The flight over consisted of Lando and Carlos passed out while myself and Zak played card games. My favourite part was when we bet on how many cards we could place in their sweaters before they woke up.

The answer is a staggering 26!

Jeddah wasn't a fairly long flight, so the jet lag didn't screw up over very much. We were also the last team in our hotel to arrive, but we had three days before we had any real work to do. The air was dusty and sent me scrambling for a water immediately. It would be another hot weekend.

Our hotel was extravagant, the lobby tall enough to fit myself if I was thirty times taller. I spent a bunch of time staring at the showcase mosaic that sprawled along the ceiling, spreading out towards the separate wings of the hotel. Luckily Carlos had grabbed my room key, so I just had to hop in the elevator with them and head to the 32 floor.

We were in a hotel with Ferrari, Red Bull, and Mercedes. The hospitality organizers tend to put the front running teams in a hotel together and the back runners together. It was a strange was of holding our positions over the other teams heads. It didn't seem all that fair either.

After getting unpacked I now laid on my bed, changing out of my airport clothes into my much cozier sweats and sweater. It's blisteringly hot outside but my room couldn't be more freezing. I even huddle under my covers as I scroll on TikTok.

The media had been having mixed reactions after my P5. I knew any outcome would lead to some controversy, so I knew to it go on twitter that night. I finally opened twitter and took a look at my name on the trending tab.

User1: Del Fiore beat a Ricciardo AND almost beat Verstappen in her debut. Red bulls quacking in their boots rn

User2: we aren't going to act like Finley Del Fiore slept her way into her job?

User3: Finley hated on max wayyy too quickly. What'd my boy do to you?

User4: can't wait till she gets put in her place.

User5: Lando and Finley watching Carlos on the podium❤️❤️ my McLaren babies

User6: the forced diversity is going crazy rn

Alright! That's about enough twitter for one day. I throw my phone somewhere on the other side of my bed, burying my head on in the pillow.

I'm used to the constant hate by now. It was less in F3, there wasn't enough people who knew me to hate me. But now, these people see one weekend and decide they want me out already. It's impossible not to feel a little worse about yourself after reading that I am forced diversity.

I worked so fucking hard for this chance. I worked harder then any of those cowards did. They don't know a single thing about me and still label me as a whore and slut. It's double standards at its finest form. My male counterparts are allowed to go clubbing and sleep with as many girls as they see fit, and are desirable. If I were to do the same thing I would be a slut. I'm not allowed to do those things publicly, it's strictly off limits for me so I can do this sport I live for.

I think about it often, anytime I see my teammates going out to go club I'm reminded that even if I could go, I'd have to spend my night worrying about wether someone will catch me doing something they see as unresponsible.

Social media is dumb and misogyny isn't cool.

I hear my phone buzzing, I grab it and look at it sparingly. It's the Groupchat I got added to. Since the Grand Prix last weekend I got added to a number of groupchats with my grid mates.

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