Chapter 12

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"What's your go-to crying movie?' Seriously, who made these questions?" An increasingly embarrassed Lando asked.

The brunette was shuffling through the stack of cards we'd been given. The McLaren logo shone on the back of each with our names under the symbol. It was a large, daunting pile,  but it was a part of the job.

The week felt like it couldn't crawl by slower. The snails pace of the days only gave me more time to think and then overthink the entire conversation with Schumacher. My hands almost instinctively itched to open up the texts just to read what he said for the millionth time. Brunch, tomorrow night, at this outdoor cafe.

The hours went excruciatingly slowly, especially today. We were called into the paddock on Wednesday to film a video for McLaren. After some begging from managers and then something that really should be called kidnapping, all three drivers were now say with cameras trained on them.

I had made videos like this in the past in F3, but there was much less budget going into media. At McLaren, I was sat in a chair and had my makeup done for me! I felt like a princess! It was very natural, but accentuated my bushier eyebrows and freckled high cheekbones.

Even as I was sat in a chair and given a rundown on what the sun was for the video, my mind kept going back to Schumacher. This time Saturday I would be having dinner with him. I'd be sat across from the man that made me want to race in the first place.

The two drivers next to me had no idea.

I hadn't told them. How could I after seeing how insignificant it would be to them? They were enjoying their night, I didn't need to ruin it with my silly imagination. They didn't bring the call up, yet. Either they were too drunk to remember or they don't want to bring it up.

The cameraman snatched the deck of questions from Lando's hands, placing it forcefully on the table with a squinted eye at him. Carlos chuckled as we settled into our spots. The room slowly went silent, finally a gesture from the cameraman set Carlos' face lighting up cartoonishly.

"Hello everyone! Today we are asking each other uncomfortable questions..." he paused for effect, leaning over to pick up and swirl a dark liquid in a glass. "Or consuming a mystery food if we don't want to answer the questions. I'm Carlos Sainz."

"I'm Lando Norris."

"And I'm the winner, Finley Del Fiore." I smirk at the camera. "The person that gets through this without throwing up, is declared the winner." I explain, leaning my foot on my opposite knee.

After some competitive banter we get into the questions. It's so different than how we usually tease each other, it's like there's a clear glass wall separating us. We can usually have fun without the cameras trained on our every more, but not now. We all know the rules, don't make the other two seem unlikeable, and don't talk about beating them in racing.

Unfortunately, that's usually what we tease about.

"First one is to Carlos! What is the weirdest thing you've ever eaten while travelling?" Lando leans forward in his chair. I lean forward too, knowing the cameras are panning across our expectant glittering eyes.

"Oh god, let me think. I think it was bread with paprika on it. Yeah, I layered that onto it." He smiles triumphantly at our now horrified faces.

"Paprika?" I shout.

"On bread? Not even toast, but bread?" Lando shouts at the same time.

The Spaniard only waves his hands around, clearly trying to get around the topic. His smile is bright as he grabs a card and turns to face me.

"It was a midnight snack! Don't mess with my nighttime cravings." His grin is wide. "Finley, what's your guilty pleasure?" Carlos spins to me, looking at me through his eyebrows.

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