Chapter 6 - Max

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Will woke up quite early, letting out a soft groan as he sat up. He glanced around the room, wanting to see who was up. Lucas and Dustin were lay sleeping in bed but as Will looked down next to him he noticed that Mike wasn't there. A small noise made him jump, a small gasp escaping his mouth. He noticed Mike sat at the desk doing something, using the small sellotape dispenser to stick something together.

"Mike.. What are you doing?" Will whispered, his voice raspy from just waking up. Mike jumped as he heard Will's voice, his head shooting towards Will.

"Doesn't matter." He muttered, turning back to the desk and continuing to do whatever he was previously doing.

Will frowned, still very confused, deciding he would just ignore Mike. He got up and left the room, walking down stairs and going into the kitchen.

"Morning." A tired voice came from behind him. Will turned around to see Max stood there with a half an energy bar in her hand.

"Morning." Will gave her a small smile, the worry evident on his face.

"You okay?" She frowned, her voice soft as she placed a gentle hand on Will's shoulder.

"Yeah." Will lied, giving her a weak smile.

"Will.. I know you're not, what's wrong?" She sighed.

"Um.. Can we- Can we talk somewhere else?" Will muttered as he gestured to Steve and Robin who were currently walking down the stairs together.

Max nodded softly, the two of them walking over to the living room and sitting down.

"Okay, what's going on?" Max frowned as she looked up at Will.

"It's about Mike." Will sighed, fidgeting with his hands.

"Oh, about your argument?" Max asked him.

"Um, sort of, also about the fight." Will told her, and her eyes widened.

"Wh- Woah, wait, you guys had a fight? As in like, punching?" She gasped.

"Wait, hold on, you- you didn't know we had a fight?" Will frowned.

"No!? I just thought you both were arguing and you were like, super mad at each other!" Max told him, evidently shocked.

"Dude, tell me everything." Max grinned, listening intently as Will began to speak.

"So yesterday me and Mike were arguing, like usual, and he started to mock me. He was saying stuff like 'Can the baby not think of anything else to say? Are you gonna start crying again?' and it was really annoying me so I slapped him." Will told her.

He expected her to get angry at him, scold him for what he had done or even yell at him, but that's not what happened. She grinned widely and gave held up her hand for a high five.

"Good! He deserved it, it was about time someone gave that boy a slap!" She grinned, making Will giggle. He gave her a high five, both of them giggling.

"Proud of you, Byers. You're lucky that it was you who got to do it, I have been dreaming of giving him a good slap since I met him." She grinned, making him giggle.

"He's- He's not that bad." Will defended him, not wanting her to actually go and give Mike a slap.

"Anyway.. After I slapped him he pushed me and I pushed him and eventually he punched me and I got angry and just punched him back.. But I made him bleed and that's why he has that big plaster on his forehead." Will told her.

"Jesus, you did that?" Max's eyes widened. Will nodded in shame, only to see Max's mouth form into a huge grin.

"I'm so impressed right now, remind me to never get in a fight with you, buff Byers." Max teased, making Will giggle.

"I'm not- I'm not actually that strong, I was just angry.." Will blushed at the nickname.

"Hmm, sure.. Now are you two friends, or are you not? Has anything else happened?" She asked, very intruiged.

"Um.. We had another argument yesterday." He told her, and her eyes widened.

"Tell me." She grinned.

"We were in our room because my mum wanted us to sort things out, and I was just sat in bed minding my own business when he decided to rip up the drawings I was making!" Will scowled, still pissed off at this.

"What!? Why the hell would he do that?" Max scowled aswell, anger rising inside of her as she thought back to the gorgeous sketch she had seen Will making yesterday.

"I don't know, and I started crying obviously once I saw how much he had tore it up and he just got mad at me. He kept telling me to stop crying and we started arguing. Again. And he just kept mocking me so I told him I hated him." Will told her, his voice shaking slightly at the end. Max picked up on this and frowned, gently taking Will's hands into her own.

"What did he say?" She frowned, knowing something was wrong.

"He said he didn't care." Will told her, causing her eyes to widen.

"There's- No, Will, he must care. You've been friends for what, like, 10 years or something? He wouldn't just stop being friends with you." Max sighed.

"That's what my mum said, but I just- I don't think we're making it past this. I mean, we've argued in the past but this is the first time things have ever gotten physical. He won't even look at me." Will told her, and she frowned.

"Will, you and Mike will always be friends. I am sure within a week you and him will be fine again, I mean, I don't think I've ever seen you two mad at each other for more then a day." Max chuckled, making Will sigh.

"I hope so, I regret everything that's happened, but, I don't know.. I feel like he should apologize to me. I don't think I was wrong." Will shrugged, and Max nodded.

"I agree, you were completely right. If he doesn't apologize to you then you ignore him. If he tries to do something to you then you come and tell me immediately, yeah?" Max told him, her voice firm.

"Yeah." Will nodded, a small smile on both of their faced as Max gave Will's hands a gentle squeeze of reassurance.

yall iv3 literally had no ideas for this whatsoever. help me.

{Word Count: 10565

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