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Spotlight on me and I'm ready to break

▶︎ •၊၊||၊|။||||။‌‌‌‌‌၊|• 1:44

Circus • Britney Spears

Evangeline Emrys

We became closer than I thought we would be in the span of a few minutes. And we were all laughing until a trolley filled with sweets came by that they called the Honeydukes Express.

"Anything off the trolley, dears?" Ron bought himself another 5 chocolate frogs, Harry 2 chocolate frogs and a small pack of fudge flies, whereas me and Hermione shared a box of exploding bonbons. 

I offered to pay at first and like the witch she is, she outright refused. But my persistence soon caught up with her as I payed for everything and closed the door before she could take out her purse. I knew what I did, so I shot her a smile and gave her a bonbon to distract her instead. 

"Fine, thank you." she said with a grunt as she unwrapped the bonbon. And we were once again engulfed in conversation. The three briefing me about the wizarding world.

"We'll be travelling on boats across the black lake to get to Hogwarts." started Mione.

"Then you put on this hat, that talks. It basically invades your mind to know which house to sort you in. Oh, and if you fail to accomplish your magical training in Hogwarts, you'll get expelled and sometimes they even snap your wand into two." Ron said licking his fingers stained with chocolate.

Harry must have seen that I was shook as he held my hand and offered me a fudge fly. Muttering a quick thank you, I redirected my focus on the pentagon card Ron held. "Dumbledore again" he sighed.

A few moments later, we were nearing the school. Hogwarts indeed looked like a castle. Ron fell asleep while Hermione was reading a book. Harry stood up and offered his hand, pulling me up along with him. "You've got to change into your robes now. Do you know where your trunk is?"

"It's in the compartment my cousins are at." I spoke and he walked with me there saying that the changing room was at the direction of our compartment.

He asked me "Do you remember which compartment it was?" and it hit me, I didn't. Embarrassed, I slowly shook my head and he let out a laugh.

We went on to check every compartment in the train. Harry claiming that it didn't bother him. And eventually we did find Astoria and Daphne.

Although instead of making way directly to the changing rooms, he helped me with my trunk as I slipped out my robes and helped me put it back, well to be honest, he was the only one doing anything and I was standing there, but what he was doing is considered helping


Evangeline Emrys

We were on a boat heading towards the castle, or school, rather. As we reached the shore, a woman in a green dress, a pointy hat and glasses came who looked about in her mid-50's sporting a stern and straight face. She had the first years follow around a giant man with unruly curly hair including his beard and came up to me.

"Miss Emrys?" she asked and I gave her a nod for confirmation. 

"You will not be joining the sorting ceremony of the first years. Instead you will be waiting here for your name to be called and you shall walk inside. Remember that you will be starting as a 3rd year, so you will be expected to poise an exemplary discipline. The house you get sorted to will be like your family during your stay at Hogwarts. A merit will earn you house points and a de-merit would result to a deduction in house points. The house with the most number of house points will be given the house cup at the end of each school year."

She bid me goodbye and left me in front of giant wooden doors. A series of claps and cheers came with each house that has been shouted.

An old man's voice boomed across the walls. "Now everyone, I know that you all are excited for you have gained new members of your houses. However, we have another student joining us. She will be starting her 4th year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Please welcome, Miss Emrys."

"Evangeline Emrys" the teacher who introduced herself as Professor McGonagall had called, I recognized her voice. The giant wooden doors opened and a long path to the front was clear. As I took my steps, whispers among the students grew evident. Some had wide eyes, others gaped mouths, but one thing was clear, everyone was shocked.

The eyes were trained on me and I casted a glace at the furthest table on my left, seated Ron, Hermione and Harry looking eager at me. And the furthest at the opposite side sat Astoria and Daphne who smiled at me.

A hat that looked old and made out of rags was placed on my head. 

"Ah, the famed Miss Emrys. How peculiar of you. Your chivalry is undead, yet your heart remains soft but harbors a thirst for knowledge. Yet somehow, I cannot seem to think of anything more than to place you in Slytherin. You aren't like the past Emrys-es I had encountered. Not even like the Great Merlin himself yet you have uncanny similarities." the hat paused.

"Well then, better be..."

"SLYTHERIN!" and cheers erupted from our table as my robes had gained that all too familiar shade of green.

As I walked of to the direction of the table, I saw a man sat on a throne from the corner of my eye. He wasn't even clapping, more like tapping him hand on top of the other. He must be the headmaster, Albus Dumbledore.

Astoria and Daphne said it would be best to socialize now instead of hanging with them since it would be difficult to find another time to do so. So I found a seat just between a girl who looked Asian and a boy that sported platinum blonde slicked back hair.

The girl on my left spoke "Hello darling, I love your necklace" she smiled. "I'm Cristella Nicole Chu, but call me Stella" and she shot me a wink. "Evangeline Wysteria Emrys."

"Oh honey, we know. No one in the wizarding world is clueless enough not to know of the Emrys Family." She nodded to the other girls and boys in the table and introduced them one by one. One of them shot me a wink.

"This is Helene Thalemia and Neandra Crylle" she pointed to two witches seated opposite to us. 

"This over here is Draco Malfoy" she pointed to the blonde boy beside me.

"That over there is Pansy Parkinson and Blaise Zabini" and the girl beside Draco gave me a smile and the guy gave me a small wave.

"This flirty manwhore is Theodore Nott" she gestured to the guy seated across Pansy who was also the one who winked at me.

"He's in between Mattheo Riddle, the curly haired guy there. And Lorenzo Berkshire just between Theo and Helene." 

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