V. how you first met

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You both went to Derry High, so you met there. You had science together, and he asked u if you could help him, because he didn't understand the subject (well, I don't either xd) you guys were chatting, talking about science and just about your life in general, and then you became friends.


You went birdwatching sometimes, you saw him there a lot, and talked about birds and school.


You knew each other from school, sometimes he asked you to let him copy his homework, and also sometimes you went to the arcade at the same time.


You were his neighbor, his mom often asked you to help with groceries, and things like that xd


You went to get ice cream from the ice cream shop. There wasn't a line, only one boy, a boy around your age.
"Oh, hey." He said.
"I don't see you in town that much."
"Oh yeah, I always have some work to do at my grandpa's house, I don't go out so often."
"I'm Y/N by the way." You said with a smile crossing your face.
"Mike." He said shaking your hand.
"So what are you picking?" He asked.
"What?" You laughed.
"What flavor are you picking? Ice cream."
"Oh yeah, I totally forgot what was I here for."


You went to the library. You loved being there, it was quiet and peaceful. You wanted to read a classic. You went to the classical literature section. There was a chubby blonde boy, grabbing a Jane Austen novel. "How lovely." You thought.
"You like Emma?" You asked, pointing at his book.
"Never read it before. I just love classics."
"Wow, same. I was thinking, do you recommend any."
"Sure. Have you ever read Jane Eyre?"
And then you had plenty of conversations about books, you read to each other, became friends.


She knew you from school, she needed a tampon, and asked if you have one. (this one's not gender neautral, so sorry)

Hii, this is my first requested chapter, requested by JacquelynTheSwiftie
I'm sorry some of them were short, have a nice day!!💗

𝙋𝙇𝘼𝙔𝙂𝙍𝙊𝙐𝙉𝘿 𝙇𝙊𝙑𝙀 | 𝙇𝙤𝙨𝙚𝙧𝙨 𝘾𝙡𝙪𝙗Where stories live. Discover now