64| Agathokakological

41 1 40

Iseul was hunched over her phone, absentmindedly flicking through her Pinterest feed.

It had been two weeks since lessons had begun and everyone had gotten back into the monotonous routine of university life with nothing to look forward to except the few parties hosted every now and then.

Today, Iseul was sat not in the classroom her lessons usually took place in, but in a giant lecture hall. A renowned artist, specializing in 3D architecture was going to be with them this week, holding a seminar every alternative day.

The lecture hall spanned an impressive length and width, rows and rows of parenthesis-like desks stacked such that it formed a steady wave.

Iseul sat slap-bang in the centre of the hall, at the edge of the desk, her bag at her feet slumping carelessly.

"Scoot over, Señorita."

The familiar flirtatious voice made her look up from her phone. Her eyes fell on the grinning blue-head standing there, shoulders broad and posture perfect.

"Why would I?"

His grin widened, "So I can sit next to you."

"And torture me with your unbearable presence for the next hour and a half? No, thank you."

"No fair." Jungkook jutted out his lower lip in a pout, infuriatingly resembling a baby. "I'm not that bad."

"In fact, you are."

"I guess I'll just have to prove you wrong then."

Iseul gasped, "What are you---"

His very chunky shoe had stepped onto the sliver of empty space behind Iseul's seated butt on the bench. He was up in the air for a moment, taller than anyone in the room, and the next, he had skillfully pivoted himself down to sit by Iseul's side.

"You could've fallen and injured yourself!" Iseul yelled in a whisper once her shock had subsided.

"You didn't exactly leave me a choice, did you?" His teeth were still on show.

"I was going to move in a second." Iseul muttered, bending over to the other side and rummaging in her bag for her notebook and pencil case. "But you just had to be fucking superman and almost fall to death."

"Would it bother you if I died?"

The question was unexpected, absurd and absolutely ridiculous, making Iseul freeze over.

Before she could answer, he spoke up, "Can I ask you something?"

She was sat erect now, her things haphazardly placed on the desk, eyes fixated on Jungkook's side profile. "Sure."

Shs watched as he blew out a controlled breath and the lemony mint scent of the gum he must've chewed on not long ago wafted toward her.

He reached behind and unhooked his bag from his shoulders, bringing it forth and carefully setting it on the desk, as though he kept fragile china dishes in it. She had seen him set his bag down in such a manner a thousand times. At their table during lunch, on the floor in the gym. On the table when they used to meet up in the library for their calculus thesis.

But it was just the way he was, meticulous with finesse. He treated his things with care, wishing upon them long life. Maybe it had to do with the fact that he was used to doing it due to not being able to afford buying a second or third of what he owned for majority of his life.

Or maybe, maybe he was just that gentle.

It was a paradox. Him being gentle in comparison with his large stature, bulky arms and impressive strength. Him being gentle after he had disregarded her feelings two years ago and had absolutely crushed her heart and---

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