7. Revealed

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She was on the tree, doing a dare the two of us had given her. Before I could interpret things, she fell down with a huge thud, her screams echoing in my mind. We both ran to get her. Her face was soaked in tears as I held her in my arms and took her inside. She buried her face in my chest, whimpering in pain as her black hair covered her face.

I made her sit on the sofa as I tended to her wounds and the other girl, younger than her, made her drink water. Two days later, I found her crying again beacuse she had scars on her knee due to the fall which looked horrible. I had to cheer her up. I knew she loved the stars; she went out every night to stare at them. I got a marker and drew stars around her scars. She looked at me and smiled and said something like "You're the best." She then asked, "Will you always be this nice?" My smile grew wider as my broken teeth could be seen. "I'll always draw stars around your scars." She hugged me as I further added, "Don't you ever cry again." She nodded against my chest.

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Isabella. I knew her so much. I started to think that she did recognize me that way. Why did she run away? And what did my stalker have to with all of this? Or what if...? No, it couldn't be. My mind was flooded with possiblities. I had to see Enigma's face once and for all. Sometimes, I wanted to go and confront Mom but I had a gut feeling that she would tell me anything but the truth. Nora did not know about this part of the story and I made sure no one found about it until I was sure of everything. Memories were returning back to me, partly because of the therapy, more vivid than ever before.

She was in a park near the mansion, sitting on the bench with her face hooded. I approached her from behind, determined to reveal her identity. "You think I cannot sense you, sunshine?" She said mockingly without even needing to turn behind. Still I went ahead and tried to pull her hood only to cause her to jerk away. "The only day you'd be able to remove this, would be the day I allow you." She snarled at me. Anger boiled inside of me too. What did she think of herself? It was early morning and the park was empty. Looks like I had a fight ahead.

I jumped over the bench and held her tightly. She smiled, and that was bad. I held both her arms with my right hand, pinning them behind her back. Her smile did not falter as my other hand reached the hood. Before I knew it, she kicked my thighs and pulled my leg with hers causing me to fall on my back. I stared at her as my back ached with immediate pain. I thought she would leave now but my she held the corner of my jacket and said, "I'm giving you one chance. Just. One. Freaking. Chance. Leave this place and never return. If not that then. Leave. Me. Alone."


Revenge could be plotted without using Liam's son. Right? RIGHT? He made me feel, feel something other than hatred. He was depressed, he cried, he probably hated me yet he cared too. I was driving him nuts but honestly it was my mind who was loosing it's sanity. I felt something for him that caused me to not to want to harm him. After all my plannings, the lifeless block pumping blood in my body was being brought to life. By what? Just by those small smiles, shining eyes and caring attitude. I didn't know why but I kept that bandage, with the stars he drew, with me safely.

He wasn't going to go anywhere. Liam was here too. I couldn't leave the place but I could stop meeting him. That was what I did. I kept a close eye on Liam and dropped the plan of making his son go mad. I had to destroy them, torture them, all of them. But now I was going to kidnap Liam and make him suffer for the rest of his life. Two days passed and I didn't return anywhere near the mansion. Ruining him was the plan, feeling something during it wasn't. Or maybe I could kidnap Nash and torture him instead.

But how was I supposed to torture him when I could not even punch his face when he lay on the ground helpless in front of me. He was innocent, but then again, he was the enemy's only son. He was innocent just like I was, but why did I have to go through everything? Why did my mother lay senseless and my sister motionless with me stranded at the mercy of this horrid world? What was my fault? Why did he have all the love and care why I suffered the whole of my life. I was breathing harshly, but did not dare to cry. I was stronger than this, I had come so far.

I was going to kidnap him, yes, and I was going to make him feel all the pain I felt all these years. If only the stupid thing called heart wouldn't intervene. I spent a few days plotting and planning but my privacy was soon invaded. As I was sipping black coffee while standing on the roof, the door behind me barged open and I smelt vanilla and sea breeze. A mistake on my part that I turned around a little to see him. Immediately I pulled the hood over my face but I knew there was no more hiding. I was exposed.

"Isabella?" He shouted as I turned around with my face hidden. "Or my dear Enigma!" About time he realized that. But I did not smile like I wanted to show. He moved towards me and in a second pulled my hood away as harshly as he could. He stared at me like I was the most spiteful thing in the world. All the care he had when he brought me bandages just vanished away. "So Nash Swayer, how did you find out."

"I was blind that I took so long to understand! You both looked the same; the same cheekbones, skin colour, height, smile, everything was the same between you too yet I was blind. I let you play with me through two people!!" He was out of breath as he kept on screaming on the top of his lungs. "You made me vulnerable in front of you, you made me open up to you! You used me in the most terrible way possible. Will you say it all aloud? What. The. Hell. Do. You. Want?"

"Are you done?" I asked keeping my look dead. "I would have never known unless I looked at Isabella for so long and our childhood pictures. You are my freaking cousin! What the hell are you playing at? Are you insane or something? You even changed your voice so I wouldn't recognize you." All while he was venting out his anger at me, I pulled out my gun and placed it at his forehead. "Shut up now, will you?" His eyes widened as he realized he was stuck. He only tempted fate today by coming here. There was no going back when you were in Ashtyn Rowyn's grasp. Time for payback now, sunshine.

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