Chapter 1: The Tragic Case of Haruka

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The fist drove through her face, swinging down violently

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The fist drove through her face, swinging down violently.

She plunged to the ground facefirst, cringing painfully as the tremor shook through to the insides of her skull, a sickening slosh in her head as the world spun and her vision went black.

"Get stronger, Haruka!" her father yells, a booming, thundering voice that only nauseated her further. "You'll never make it in life if you're this weak! Now get up!"

Her ears ring. Her bandaged hands reach up to find her nose bleeding, her lip split, and the throbbing on her face screams for an incoming swell and horrid bruise.

She wants to cry.


She staggers to her feet, sways, and weakly balls her fists, bracing herself.

She's struck to the ground again.


Haruka was raised in an esteemed martial artist family as the only son.

"He doesn't hate you," her mother assures, over and over. "Your father is doing this for you. You have to be confident, or you'll never succeed. If you're afraid of being hit, how will you survive in competitions?"

Father taught her to fight.

Father taught her patience and endurance.

Father also taught her fear.

"You don't have any lessons tomorrow, but don't forget to practice on your own," Mother says, leaving the room, closing the shoji doors behind her.

Haruka has never looked her in the eye. She didn't care about her, she only treated her wounds, prepared her meals— she only did all this because she was afraid of father, too.

The Itou Dojo was a cold, empty place, with no love. Her room held no furniture except the essentials, and some personal belongings.

Haruka stands, stepping over to a chest under the desk. Looking around warily, hearing that there were no footsteps in the distance, she opened it.

Inside was a single soft teddy bear.

With a soft hum, shepicked it up, squeezing it to her chest with desperation. After a while, she sighs into it, content. Finally she picks up an envelope, retrieve the tickets inside.

"I'm glad he didn't punish me with training tomorrow," she whispers to herself.  Her hand cradles the fabric inside the chest, gently running her fingers across the cheap silk, the frilly patterns, the ribbon, and of course, the wig, and all its accessories. Thankfully, the cosmetics seem to be in fair condition as well.

Tomorrow there was a cosplay convention, held three stations down.

She's so glad she gets to go.

Hiding the box and all of the items safely in the chest, locked with a key only she has possession of. Her father doesn't let her have much, but he wouldn't find out.

Father never comes to this room, anyways. He wouldn't notice if Haruka wasn't in her room tomorrow.


"That's a self-made costume? No way, she looks amazing!"

"You can tell she altered the design a little, but she makes it work so well I don't even care."

"The legendary cosplayer, Ursa Meadows? The super cute one that only shows up in cons every blue moon??"

"She only has one social account, and she never makes merch, so any content of her is rare! Even a picture can be auctioned off for tons in fanzines!"

Haruka basks in the attention, posting sweetly for the pictures. Sure the costume was no big deal, nor was the wig anything great— but she's confident, and she's beautiful, and that's all people care about. That's all she cares about.

She's hardly even watched whatever show this magical girl costume came from. She just knows it's cute, and she loves wearing it. It even hid all her scars and no one would judge. No one would tell her that a girl should not act so shamefully, a girl should be strong in this day and age--- she didn't care. She just wanted to be cute and make people happy. Make herself happy. 

"Could you say that catchphrase?"

"Negative Heart, Lock-On!"

People scream, entirely thrilled. And Haruka's lips pulled into a wide smile.

She was born to be here. Smiling, at the center of attention, using the litheness and stamina she was born with to dance and perform. 

Not to be in that stifling, restrictive family house. She hated that she, of all people, had to be born in a house where her dreams couldn't come true. She covers her bruises, her wounds, with makeup and cloth. Here, no one has to see any of that, and no one will hurt her.

Here, she can smile and say cheesy, cringey one-liners, and people will still accept her. She doesn't have to fight, she doesn't even have to be masculine, strong, and violent to establish her authority on others.

Haruka knows that her father's idea of strength is bullcrap. You don't need any of that to be above others. You don't need any of that to be strong.

Here, a single smile from Haruka brings people to their knees. Here, a kiss blown to the crowd makes people worship her. They'll just beg for more. 

Haruka thrives when she's a girl on the stage, so she'll continue to run, and continue to risk her time like this. If his father ever finds out, she'd get beaten so bad, she'd probably die.

But she doesn't care about the dangers.

If she can't continue to do this, she'd rather die.


XXX CITY, 2022. Police have discovered the body of a young boy washed up upon the bay of River XXX in XXX city.

The victim, Itou Haruka, had last been seen attending Cosfest on August 9th, and had been reported missing after failing to return home that evening.

Worryingly, Itou was found with multiple injuries, reportedly including multiple lacerations across his body and several missing fingers, along with signs of sexual assault and prolonged physical abuse. Local authorities suspect that he was caught up in an altercation with local gang activity in the area. 

Suspects are difficult to determine due to the massive crowds at the time of the day and the busy convention season causing an influx of tourists in striking attire.

The case is still under investigation.

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