Chapter 4- Well This is Awkward...

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Check out the awesome banner @Niallschocalate made for me! :D

This chapter is dedicated to her! :D

Chapter 4-  Well This is Awkward…


What the hell? How did they know about what we were fighting about?

Well we were arguing pretty loud.

Wait this is what Eleanor wanted me to see! Oh crap! Then she knows about the argument! But she didn't sound so mad?


Stupid paparazzi!

I swear they don't know anything about privacy! Well of course they don't that's their job. To ruin celebrities lifes-

I was cutoff by my cell phone saying I got a text.

I sighed and picked it up. As I quickly read the text.

From: Unknown

You're not Eleanor.

Oh dear God.


“Oh my gosh.”   I dropped my cell phone while  staring at it as it fell to the floor.  Who is this Unknown’ person?

  If he or she knows that I’m not the real Eleanor, why haven’t they reported it to management or trend this on twitter?  I mean if it was a fan they would of easily told someone!  The thing is how did they find out, and when!  I just started this job for a couple of days, how could of somebody already find out?

Yeah, I know that I’m not the greatest actor, and that I forgot to do the accent a whole bunch of times.  I know that I tend to be serious a lot when I’m supposed to be joyful and all, but how did someone find out already!

I’m doomed!

I need to report this to Eleanor, pronto!

Oh my flacking pickle!  What if Eleanor finds out that someone found out!

Oh my gosh!

I would so loose my job!  I won’t get paid, and I need the money!  I need the money, to survive on my own.  I will never go back home to my crazy parents, or should I say adoptive parents.

I-I just can’t!

How am I supposed to deal with all this!  How am I going to tell Eleanor, without getting fired when I tell her.

Unless, I don’t tell her…

No, Clarissa.  You need to tell her.  I need to tell her before whoever send the text tells everyone.  This is a serious problem!

But,  I really need the money..

No, stop all this thinking Clarissa! I need to tell Eleanor now!

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