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author pov

it was the ninth month going of the pregnency and the whole family was very careful. shubman did not allow mish to eat anything junk or do any work he was vey careful and would not get irritated or scold mish during her mood swings

mish was super happy having shub by her side but he did not allow her to eat anything excapt ghaas puss. mish was frustrated after beign a punjabi kudi and not getting to eat her favourite food

it was 2 at night and little missy had her cravings for ice cream. she knew if shub would get to know she is dead. how much shubman loves her is less infront of his care. but little pregnent being her she sneaked out

mish pov

i sneaked out my room taking care that his sleep does not get disturb. i removed his hand from waist and went down to the kitchen. i opened and found my love, my reason to breath my ice cream i took it out and sat on a slap. i took out a spoon from the drawer and opened my ice cream box. as i opened the box my smile dropped because it was


this is so unfair. i kept the box and luckily there was another one and luckily it was not peas. i sat on the kitchen slab and start to devour it. 

i was busy eating it when i heard someone clearing its throat. i looked back and saw shubman. he was standing shirtless with just some loose shorts . His abs screaming he had folded his hands over his chest. his veins flexing and he was surely


shubman pov

it was night and we were sleeping i had my arms around her belly. it was her ninth month and i was carefull i dont want anything to happen she was my jaan and was carring a small jaan. it was midnight when i felt my hand being removed. i thought she wanted to go to washroom but she sneaked out. we had water  in our room if she needed it .

i followed her downstairs and saw her having ice cream i cleared my throat when she turned back

mish: shub this- uh - woh

shub: yess mis i am all ears start with your excuses

mish started to have tears in her eyes

mish: i hate you so much you never let me have anything i want and always scream

she shouted on me for five min which i stopped by placing my lips on her lips

shub: shh love 

mish: no you always do this now you will do what i want or ill go to my parents

shub: ohk ohk tell me what to do

mish pov

when i saw shubman shiver ran down my spine i cried and scolded him

damn my mood swings

later he agreed to do what i want *hehehehe*

i took out a napkin and closed his eyes

shub: mish what sre you doing

mish: shut up now you cant remove the cloth or il go to my parents

i took some ice cream and applied on his lips before he could say something i kissed him devouring him and brownie and vanilla ice cream. then i took some more amount of ice crean and applied on his neck i sucked it and some of the melted ice cream ran down to his nipples.. i sucked it all clean and bit his nipple whie he left out a moan. later i took more amount of icecream and applied it on his abs and licked it all. i applied ice cream on his neck, nipple, lips, abs and sucked all of them clean.

i opened his blindfold while he opened his eyes

shub: is this the punishment ill get everyday?

mish: only if you be a- ahhh

shub: hey you

mish: my water broke!!

hi ik you all missed new chapters and so today my boards got over and i am super happy

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