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mish pov:

for a month we were with Shub in Gujrat they didn't let me go and said that I could still work here. I had no option but to stay. I went to every ill match. I have always loved watching cricket. As I was Harry's cousin all of them knew me so it was never awkward for me to be with them. I have surely missed everyone as I didn't get any time to spend because of my work. all were extremely happy for me and Shub. In the back of my mind, I was feeling guilty for lying to all of them. During this whole month, I and Shub got close to each other. after every match, we would talk. when he performed badly he was sad but I confronted him saying he could work much better next. he used open when scored a century and was proud of himself. he was mainly happy when he saw his parents cheering for him. he was blessed to have them.

it was finals GT vs CSK we all were seated in VIP seats. I remember how he was nervous just before the match and was shaking his leg in anxiety. these days we have been too close. we used to share and act like a couple. and he had taken many shirts from my company for free. 


*after match*

GT had won the match i and i was really happy for him. it was the time where families could meet them. i first ran and congratulated hardik . i was extremely proud of him. we have shared everything with each other and i just love spending with him as he is a very good brother too.i further went near mahi bhai. when i used to go with hardik bhai for matches mqahi bhai was my always favourite. i told him how wonderfull he played but luck wasnt on his side. further i went to shub. his parents and my parents were congratulating him. i hugged him and said"you really played good today" he just smiled.


there was a small celeberation after the match. my and his family were already gone. i stayed for the party as i was his +1 . i had worn a worn a silk mini dress which was backlace and came till my mid thigh.(ps it was really hot)

the party started and we had drinks and danced. 

author pov

shub watched mish and sai darshan dance and he felt realy jealouse . in this whole month his feeling for mish only increased. how he used to cheer him up or cheer him during matches.

seeing her dance with someone else made him more jealous.

shub: lets go mish 

mish: but why the party is still left.

shub: idc mish lets go and everyone is also leaving 

mish:(pouting)ok bye bye everyone


by coming from the party to their room mish was blabbering about how she enjoyed with sai darshan. shub was really jealous as she was ony saying his name. she wasnt drunk but her habbit of nonstop takling

SHub:shut up mis please i beg you

Mish: why should i shut up and why are so jealous after seeing me with darshu(darshan) we are not actually dating(she went inside the room)

Shub:because i freaking like you. and it is not from not i had feelings for you since we were you know why i told about all your relationships because i couldnt see you with anyone. i was extremely jealous when you talked to everyone but not me. you first went to hardik bhai and i get that he is your cousin but what about me. you have been confronting me and the moment did not help but made me fall for you more. i used to secretly click your picture would always ask if you were going to come and you never cared . you only cared about yourself and you were always only cared about you and i could never i tell you that i freaking love you.I LOVE YOU MISHTI.

mish: you love me? and are also calling me selfiesh . if you knew how strict my parents were.the only selfish one here is you. you complained to my dad and he used cut me off. i never had a perfect childhood. i was not allowed to watch tv play games. i did not think about anyone else because no one ever thought about me. i build this company on my own.these all were my savings which i put into making this company. i ran from my house because dadi would never support or let anyone support me. you are calling me selfish god i  so sorry for using your name as my boyfriend. and if you loved me you would understand me.

shub: running away was the optionyou choosed and unce was right on cutting youoff. because of that boy got stiches,because of you a boy left school

mish: i did that for reasons that boy tried to touch me and i just punched him id how he got hit in his head. and the boy left the school because i rejected him i was never at fault

shub:i didnt knew that

mish:obviously no one knew because everyone only saw my faults no one encouraged me and cutting off does not solve the problems. this is the reason i was jealous of you. you dad always supported you he let you follow your dreams i am ot saying that my dad didnt do anything as dadi always blackmailed him but cutting me off would solve the problems

shub: i am-

before he could say something mish left his room 

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please check my other story too'Shekhwats'

i am also planning one ishan kishan story so comment your suggestions

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