038. crowded car ride

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Sam unwraps the piece of clay and puts it on the table of the abandoned house they're in.

"That's a lot of fuss over a caveman Lego." Dean says.

"Yeah. Well, whatever Dick wants is bricked up inside that." Sam says.

"All right." Dean takes a mallet out. Sam gives him a pair of safety glasses which he puts on, the other four adults putting their own pairs on, the two stepping back. All of the kids are in a different room, much to Ophelia, Evie, and Libby's dismay since they want to be included.

Dean hits the clay as thunder cracks. He hits it again, more thunder booming and now lightening accompanies it.

"Daddy?" Libby calls out.

"It's fine, baby." Sam calls back. "Stay with your cousins."

"That sound like somebody says, "No, wait, stop," to you?" Dean asks.

"Uh... yeah. Yeah." Sam nods.

"Yeah. Oh, well." Dean shrugs, hitting the clay multiple times until he gets through. He holds up a stone tablet that has signs on it.


It's the next morning and Sam, Larissa, Natalie, and Jacob are sitting at the table while Dean is asleep on the floor still. The kids are on the floor and playing. Sam is watching the news on his laptop which seems to wake Dean up.

"Bobby?" Dean calls after seeing a cup by him rattle. "Bobby, that you?"

"Think so." Sam holds up the flashing EMF meter. "But that whole adventure at Roman's seems to have drained his batteries." Sam says.

"So, what? We start the storm heard 'round the world?" Dean asks.

"When we broke this thing open last night, every maternity ward within 100 mile radius got slammed. Looks like any woman in the last month of her pregnancy went into labor." Sam says.

"Hmm. This one goes out to all the ladies. So, heavyweight signs, omens -- what do we got?" Dean asks.

"I assume it's writing. But I've never seen anything like it, ever. And it doesn't match anything in any book or online." Sam says.

"All right, so big daddy chomper lands here, he grabs himself some Dick... and then he started secretly underwriting university departments, pouring money into digs -- all for this. Why?"

"No clue. We do know that he will be tearing new ones until he gets it back, though. Look, we got to take a minute, hole up somewhere safe, find out what we've got."

"Rufus' cabin, then?"


"This time, I'm doing the shopping." Dean states.

Sam's phone rings.

"It's Meg." He answers it. "What?" He asks. "What? Cas is awake." He says.

"When?" Dean asks and Sam puts it on speaker phone. "When?" He asks Meg.

"Last night about 8:00." Meg says.

"And you waited till now to call us?" Dean asks.

"I've been busy with Cas. He's just a tad different than when he dozed off, 'kay?" Meg says.

"What do you mean, different?" Dean asks.

"Hey, Seacrest, guess what -- not a nurse. Just playing one on TV. Want answers? Start driving." Meg hangs up.

"Great. So, Indiana?" Sam asks.

"Yeah." Dean nods.

"Yay." Larissa sarcastically mumbles.

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