Chapter 1 - The Starter

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Fire, explosions, and screams fill the air.

People running, people dying.

Buildings burning, children crying.

And at the center of it all are the Madrigals.

Isabela: (panicking) There are too many of them.

Lusia: (panicking) We need to-

Suddenly, Lusia is blasted, falling to the floor unconsciously.

Julieta: (shocked) Lusia, hold on. We can make this.

Isabela, using her powers, fires vines out of the ground to protect the Madrigals along with the townspeople as Mirabel catches up to them.

Mirabel: (panicking) I tried to stop her, but she's gone too deep to see reason.

Abuela: (calmly) I hoped never to see the day where we had no other option but to murder our own, but Dolores has gone too far.

Pepa: (horrified) Mama, you can't be serious. Dolores is family.

Abuela: (sternly) Dolores may be your daughter, Pepa, but she has lost the right of being a Madrigal the moment she attempted to destroy our Encanto and hide Bruno in the walls. Dolores must die.

Camilo: (annoyed) Well, tell that to them.

Suddenly, a figure jumps down to the ground a few feet away from the Madrigals.

Figure: (determined) Nekane Vaglass Army, attack.

Abuela: (shouting) Everybody run.

Quickly, the townspeople and Madrigals run like headless chickens as several other figures emerge.

Figure 2: (laughing) Destroy the mountains, let none escape.

The valley has fallen, and hope is lost. But how? Didn't the Madrigals unite and restore the miracle? Well, although it looked like a happy ending, the end of one story always leads to another.

Several months ago, at the beginning of the year...


"Happy New Year," what a laughable notion. This year, however, marks a subtle shift in the tides of fate. With Tio Bruno's return and the seemingly restored magic (much to my chagrin), coupled with the unsettling revelation that Mirabel is the next candle holder, the townsfolk are deluded into believing this will be the best year in... well years. Little do they comprehend the impending darkness I shall unleash.

I devoted immense effort to shatter that wretched candle and liberate myself from this so-called miracle. The incessant auditory onslaught, every murmur, footfall, and blink assaulting my senses every twenty-four hours, is a maddening curse.

The initial satisfaction upon Mirabel's mention of the cracks was palpable; anticipation coursed through my veins. Alas, the "power of love" thwarted my designs, resurrecting the magic. The worst part? Achieving a connection with Mariano after years, only to be callously discarded in front of the entire town. Humiliation became my bitter companion as he heartlessly exposed my vulnerability to the world. My meticulously crafted plan crumbled in the wake of his public rejection.

Attempting this endeavor alone is an arduous task. My teenage brother Camilo might be swayed with the right persuasion, yet the risk is too great. I yearn to obliterate that accursed candle, but the elusive window of opportunity remains elusive. Even if I were to exert force against the "miracle," it would undoubtedly regenerate in mere seconds.

The cruelest irony? Nobody acknowledges the paradoxical nature of my powers, actively working against my way of life. Even Casita, that sentient dwelling, taunts me with its portrayal of my defeat on the front door. Mirabel, ostensibly focused on family growth, remains oblivious to my silent agony. The depths of my despair led me to contemplate unspeakable acts, a testament to the isolation I endure.

Yet, undeterred, I may have just the means to obliterate that insidious candle for good. Mark my words, the shadows shall envelop Encanto, and my vengeance will be realized.

Signed Dolores Madrigal

So now you understand why, but rhe real question is the how...


The night before, Dolores attempts to sleep peacefully in her room, a large theater room with a bunch of currently closed and covered windows, the main balcony being where she sleeps.

Of course, hearing everything isn't the best idle situation when you need to sleep.

Dolores rises up to cover her ears as she hears a crash coming from a few miles away in a nearby forest area.

Dolores: (annoyed) What's going on out there? Don't people know it's the middle of the night?

Dolores annoyed lies back down on her bed to go back to sleep... yeah, that doesn't work out.

Noise after noise after NOISE. By the time it's over, it's now the morning.

Dolores reluctantly wakes up feeling even more exhausted than the night before. Her eyes heavy with fatigue, she reluctantly gets out of bed and walks over to the window, peering outside to investigate the source of the commotion. As she gazes into the distance, she notices a faint glow emanating from the forest, accompanied by the lingering sound of smoke.

Later, after having breakfast with the family (something she did not enjoy at all), Dolores prepares to leave Casita to investigate the source of the noise, catching the attention of her brother.

Camilo: (curiously) And where are you going?

Dolores: (lying) Oh, I'm just going on a walk, that's all.

Dolores quickly exits Casita without hesitation, walking towards the nearby forest. She finds the whole area refreshing, no Casita, no Madrigals, nothing. Of course, she can still hear stuff happening elsewhere, but they are nothing but whispers covered by the sound of nature at its purest... until she arrives at the source of the noise.

Dolores steps back shocked and confused at what she's looking at. Small elements of fire and smoke are scattered everywhere, and Dolores sees body parts-not of human or even animal, but metal and other weird parts cover the land as Dolores hears a crackle like little shock thunder.

Could this... be her miracle?

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