Chapter 11

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Tara stretched her body across her bed as she stared at the antique lace canopy above. Frustration mixed with panic filled every fiber of her being. Was Maggie telling the truth? Why couldn't she remember being drugged by Dominic? What made Maggie think he was a demon?

She paced around the room, unsure of what to do next. She had to see Dominic. She needed to talk to him and straighten things out. If he'd just sit down with Maggie and let her get to know him, then Maggie would be able to see what a wonderful man he really was. Yes, that was it. She would go to Dominic and have him straighten things out with Maggie. She threw on a pair of jeans and a sweater, ran a comb through her hair, and headed downstairs.

As she closed the door behind her, the cool night air filled her lungs. Brilliant stars surrounded the full moon, lighting up the night for ample visibility. She walked past the den and peered in the window. There was no sign of Maggie and Brandon. She decided they must have remained in the kitchen after she ran out.

Happy to have gotten out without being noticed, she headed for the paddock. Her mare stood majestically while watching her approach. She stroked Sugar's mane and nuzzled her neck as she relived Maggie's words, 'Dominic's a demon. He's slowly sucking the life force from ya.'

Maggie's claim felt very real. Her eyes widened, and her heart picked up pace as she absorbed the impact of this revelation. Dominic truly was a mystery and she really didn't know anything about him except that he was incredibly handsome, a fabulous kisser, and a fairly good repair man. They talked a little during his visits, but mainly about her house. To top it off, she couldn't go to see him because she didn't have a clue where he lived. The absurdity of it all was overwhelming. How could she have been so blind and foolish? This wasn't like her at all. She needed more answers. She needed help in understanding everything that happened since Dominic arrived at her house that afternoon. She needed Maggie.

Tara raced back to the house. She was finally ready to listen to what the old woman had to say. She would sit down quietly and give her full attention. She still couldn't perceive Dominic as a demon but she was certain he was up to something. Visions of his visits started rushing to her. What was his fascination with her house? He was overly attached to it, considering the short time they'd known each other. She questioned which meant more to him, the house or her. She should hear Maggie out. The old woman was dear to her and she trusted her completely. There must be a reason she thought him a demon; a bigger reason than the fact that she didn't like how cheap he was.

She entered the house and called for Maggie, but all was silent. She checked the patio, knowing Maggie enjoyed sipping brandy in the moonlight but there was no sign of her, or Brandon for that matter. It was obvious Maggie left and since she hadn't noticed any vehicles coming up the drive to take Brandon away, she concluded he left with her. Maggie was such a private person. Why would she take Brandon to her home? Nothing made sense.

She made her way back out to the barn where Sugar stood waiting, as if knowing her mistress would be back shortly. Slipping the mare's bridle on with ease, Tara's impatience prompted her to forgo the saddle. Almost immediately after pulling herself onto the horse's back they were through the gate and moving swiftly across the field toward Maggie's cottage. The cool wind blew through her locks while they raced with the moonbeams. Shadows darted all around them, giving the night and eerie sensation.

As they approached the woods she slowed Sugar down to a steady walk. The crunching of the leaves and twigs rang out as they made their way along the narrow path through the thick array of trees. An owl hooted overhead, giving Tara quite a start. When she jumped, so did her mare. While she regained her seating, Tara looked over her shoulder and discovered a pair of large red eyes staring at her from the distance through the darkness. Sugar must have noticed at the same time because she shuddered and picked up speed, tension clearly mounting in her body.

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