Chapter 22

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November 18th, 1:09AM

Leon's POV:

We didn't have time to make a contract last night, like we had planned. After getting back from dinner, we intended to make a contract, outlining the pace and details of our relationship, but those plans fell through. Killian had apparently made it his mission to distract me once we got home.

So, as soon as we were all awake and functioning, I dragged us to one of the libraries in Killian's mansion. This one was new, I had only stumbled across it the other day when I was exploring the house. It wasn't as big as the one I had been taken to on the first night here, but it had ample seating, with a large sofa central to the room. Tall bookshelves lined the walls, with those ladders that I had only ever seen in movies.

As we walked in, they each tried to pull on my hands, encouraging me in the direction they were trying to go. Of course they didn't want to sit together, so my arms were pulled in opposite directions, straining my shoulders.

"Oof," I said, pulling my arms back to myself when they realized what they had done.

I laughed it off, pushing them towards the red velvet sofa, while I went to kneel at the round coffee table in front of it. Yet again, this room was another beautiful, tastefully decorated library/office, but I couldn't spend time admiring it right now. I had the sense to bring paper and a pen from my room, even searching for nice stationery. Quickly scribbling a heading, I turned to Killian and Milo so we could discuss.

"I know we discussed waiting a few more weeks to form the bond, but we need a few more rules," I began, waiting for them to continue the discussion.

When they didn't, I started scribbling out the timeline we had come up with, repeating aloud what I was writing down. We had agreed on 4 weeks before we made a decision, putting the date at just before christmas. Right after, I made space for a list of rules. I tried to make the first one by myself, but my mind immediately went blank.

"We need a number one rule," I finally said, again looking to Killian and Milo.

"No sex," Milo said immediately.

"You already broke that one, you idiot," Killian replied just as immediately, "plus, you'd also have to follow that rule."

Noticing that they were about to start arguing, I cut in.

"That's not fair to me," I complained. "You two are just going to have to deal with the fact that I can have sex with both of you OR neither of you, if I want. It's my damn choice to make, just because I have sex with one of you doesn't mean I'm gonna not have sex with the other."

"In fact..." I said, thinking as I spoke. "I think we all need to have sex together before the 4 weeks are up, at least once."

Both of them turned their heads to me very slowly, with drastically different looks on their faces. Killian reflected pure, unadulterated shock, and maybe a hint of curiosity. Milo, on the other hand, looked borderline disgusted. Maybe it was hope, but I thought I saw a glint of interest in Milo's eyes. It wasn't the same look of interest I was used to, but I'd swear it was there.

"No-" "Yes," they spoke at the same time.

"I'm writing it down, unless you have an actual objection. Or do you have stipulations?" I spoke to Milo.

"I don't have to have sex with him. We can all... be there, I guess, but I don't want to be expected to fuck him too," Milo responded, his discomfort showing in the furrow of his brow.

"That works with me," Killian responded.

"And no bonding to Leon during," Milo added quickly.

"Of course," I said, rubbing his shoulder in a manner that I hoped was soothing. "If we're set with that one, what else?"

"Nobody else is allowed into this," Milo said, looking at me, but speaking to Killian. "I know of your... reputation. We don't have time for that foolishness."

"Of course not, asshole," Killian replied sharply. "I wouldn't even dream of trying. I couldn't see anyone else anymore, not even if I tried."

I turned away to write what we had down, frowning at the implications of what Milo had said. My heart lifted at hearing he wouldn't or couldn't try to see anyone else, but still... his words turned my thoughts sour, despite rationality trying to take control. Realistically, it was a given that Killian had sex with other people, but it still stung me. It reminded me of the irrationality of our relationship; I had no right to even care about his love life, any normal human wouldn't care about their partner's previous partners. I was eager to get my mind away from those thoughts and continue with this contract.

"What else?"


I found myself laying in a rather plush room, Killian lying not too far from me, but we still had space. The curtains were open, letting in the light of the full moon. It illuminated our bodies, especially Killian's pale, shirtless form.

He had rolled on his stomach, exposing his back to the light. Faintly, I could see criss-crosses of lighter, silvery skin littering his back. They stretched all the way from his shoulders, down his back. I wondered how I had never noticed them before, and then remembered the discussion we had about his family.

"They didn't want to let me leave", he had said with a shudder.

Thinking back about it, everything became more clear. He had intentionally been vague when talking to me, not giving specifics about much of anything. He was being honest, but it was as if he didn't want to hurt me with the whole truth. If there was one thing I could understand, it was softening the truth for the people that cared about you. I had done the same thing for years with Armand.

"My family?" I said, trying to hide the sudden tremors that had wracked my hands.

The way he had asked was so innocent, as if he were discussing something as calm as the weather that night. The sun had just gone down, still streaking the sky with faint hues of pastel pinks, oranges, and purples. It didn't match the roaring behind my ears, or the rapid thundering of my heart. To me, a hurricane would have been more appropriate.

"They, um... they don't really talk to me," I stuttered, turning away to try to calm myself.

"Hey, we don't have to talk about them if you don't want to, I was just asking," he said, laying his hand on my shoulder slowly.


"They weren't good parents," I began, taking deep breaths to remain calm, "they could have cared less about me, especially when they were chasing a high. They would leave me with my baby brother in the hot truck, with nothing to eat or drink, for hours."

I paused again, having to control my breathing at the thought of my brother.

"They used to get super angry over little things, like where the milk had gone, or how come there was a ten dollar bill missing from the cabinet next to the door... They didn't start doing drugs until after I was born, but it was definitely before my brother was born. I remember being left with their parents for days sometimes, when I couldn't have been more than 5 years old."

"Did they ever?..." Milo started, almost fearing the answer. "Hurt you guys?"

I didn't answer, turning away once again. Secretly, I hoped that reaction had provided enough of an answer for him, because I was almost certain I'd never be able to recount the details of what had happened. The thoughts crashed over my skull like a wave, filling every crevice of my mind with memories of the pain. Quickly, I shoved them back down.

We had to stop talking after that, after I forced myself to shut down my emotions.

I had gained better control over it. Years of therapy worked their way through my mind, helping me build walls and coping mechanisms, so the memories weren't as overwhelming anymore. I could manage discussions about my own experiences, but also just about the general topics that triggered me.

"Where did you go?" Killian asked, placing a gentle hand on my cheek.

"Nowhere," I said, my feelings mixed up.

Mercifully, he dropped the topic. I wrapped my arms around him, feeling his surprise before he reflected the gesture. We sat like that, probably longer than I thought, feeling the comfort of each other's heartbeat.

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